Pablo Picasso & Cubism Name: Date: 10/11/2011 Per: You Need: Notebook paper Pen or pencil TURN IN DOODLE: DUE TODAY TURN IN VALUE & TEXTURE WKST DUE TODAY
Pablo Picasso “art consists of inventing & not copying” Born in Spain One of the major founders of “Cubism” Created more than 22,000 works of art in his life time
many different styles & materials.
He could paint like this
…and like this.
Picasso was inspired by African Masks
Cubism style: ‘Shattered’ or fragmented objects and shapes. Imagine broken glass!
Use of dull or natural colors Use of value
mathematical shapes; sharp edges Geometric Shapes
Organic Shapes Natural & softer shapes
Abstract: Recognizable images but changed from reality
More Works by Pablo Picasso
This painting sold in 2009 for $106.5 million!
Value how light or dark something is
Gradient A smooth increase or decrease
Stippling Texture created with dots
Crosshatch Texture created with intersecting lines
Movie Clips about Picasso Please answer the questions found at your table as you watch this 7 minute clip about Picasso & how cubism influences us today. Write on the slip of paper and STAPLE it into your notes at the end of class.
Your Picasso Project Learn how to draw a realistic eye Use shading techniques in water color & color pencil Create a painting in the style of Picasso’s Cubist style using the realistic eye as a starting point.
Ideas for your project
Summary Why did Picasso choose to paint like he did even though he could paint and draw very realistically? When you’re finished: TURN IN NOTES DOODLES VALUE/TEXTURE WKST