II. Symbols remind us of stories. A. They can be ___stories (sacramentals). B. They can be ___. ___ stories take on a ____when we ___them.
II. Symbols remind us of stories (cont.) C. Each of these ritual events or holidays has a ___, but at their core, they have a ___ which we have learned about over time by experiencing their ___. How did you learn to celebrate birthdays. Christmas?
III. Rituals involve symbols and symbolic actions to name meaning. A. A Symbol is a ___, physical reality that represents an ___reality. A symbol is a “___.” Wedding ring – Flag – Adolf Hitler – Mother Teresa of Calcutta – Fire – Water –
III. Rituals involve symbols and symbolic actions to name meaning (cont.) B. Rituals are ___, ___actions that have ___meaning for a ___or ___. done in a ___way every time All these actions communicate ___and have real ___to affect us if we put our ___into them. Downside: ___, ___ Graduation – Birthday –
I. Sacraments A. All of life is ___; ___is revealed to us in ___ways. B. ___ are times when we experience God’s grace: ___.
I. Sacraments C. As Catholics we believe that God is present and active as grace in a special, intense way in the official rituals of the church called the ___. These are the ___points for the Catholic Christian life. D. A sacrament is a special, ___when God’s grace is ___focused and given to people, creating a ___in them if they are ___to it. E. Sacraments are powerful ___rituals that celebrate the ___of grace that occur for people in everyday life.
II. ___ is the Sacrament of God: The perfect sign of God’s presence with us A. Jesus is the means by which God has ___everything God is to us humans in a concrete, ___way. ___. Catholics believe that the ___dwells with us in the church, ___us, making us ___, and enabling us to be ___in the world.
III. The ___is the Sacrament of Jesus: outward, physical expression of the Risen Lord A. The church is the way that people can ___and ___and ___Jesus concretely in the world today. B. The church’s members ___Jesus’ ___love by 1. ___God’s love for all 2. ___the lost and forsaken 3. ___the hungry in body and soul 4. ___the sinner, etc.
Root of the Sacraments Catholics believe that the sacraments are rooted ___in the life and teaching of ___ Some of life’s moments are sacramental because of the ___Jesus put on them, ___ because he specifically ___them
Roots of the Sacraments Introduced people to new life and baptized himself (___) Shared the power of the Spirit with others and sent the Spirit to be with his followers forever (___) Sacrificed himself out of love and gave his body and blood to others (___)
Roots of the Sacraments Forgave people’s sins (__) Healed people’s illnesses (___) Was faithful to his God and taught the sacredness of being faithful in marriage (___) Ministered to people’s spiritual needs and called specific persons to help minister to people’s spiritual needs (___)
Sacraments of Initiation Celebrate a person’s ___and lifelong growth in the church Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
Sacraments of Healing Celebrate and make real for us the ___ministry of Jesus Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation
Sacraments in Service of Communion Celebrate two different life ___, or ways of living out Jesus’ ___to build the ___ Marriage, Holy Orders