Where is Japan Located??
Four Islands of Japan Archipelago: A large group of islands Surrounded by water on all sides Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu Jih-pen—means “source of sun”
Land of the Rising Sun Mt. Fuji—is Japan’s tallest mountain Japan made from underwater volcanoes and earthquakes… Today, there are over 3,000 volcanic islands around Japan Only 12% of Japan’s land can be used to grow food.
Land of Rising Sun Earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean can create giant waves called a Tsunami in the Summer time…
Two Major Beliefs of Japan Shinto—a religion that worships ancestors and spirits in nature Buddhism—Traveled to Japan from Korea. Prince Shotoku- was a Buddhist and wanted to spread Buddhism throughout his country
Present Day Japan 128,000,000 million people live in Japan making Japan the 9 th largest country in the world. 77% of all Japan’s population live on the coast. Tokyo, Japan---12 million people… 10 percent of Japan’s total population. 343 people per one street block in Japan 300,000,000 million people live in the United States making the USA the 3 rd largest country in the world. California: 32 million, Encinitas population: 55,000
How does Japan’s Population affect housing??? Japan: Houses and lots are small and compact. Median price: Tokyo, Japan $652K Small house 1,000 sq. ft, with 3 rooms…450K Encinitas Median Price: Encinitas, 760K Small home 1,000 sq. ft., 350K
Downtown Japan