Psy(chedelic)EMS Psychedelic Emergency Services Lessons from Burning Man to Boom to Beyond Valerie Mojeiko MAPS Director of Operations
From Harm Reduction
To Benefit Enhancement
Role of “The Sitter” Picture here of an anchor
“Sitting” not “Guiding” First, do no harm. (look up quote)
Transforming a “bad trip” into an opportunity for growth, healing or understanding
Common features of a difficult psychedelic experience Fear of “going crazy” or losing one’s mind Reliving old traumas Energetic release Paranoia or distrust Experience of being “stuck”
Three factors contribute to the drug’s effect Drug Set Setting
Core Techniques Do nothing Look out for physical safety Respect and honor Be with, listen, and observe without putting down or judging Create the space Let them lead
If the person is seeking more participation from you, remind him or her: 1)This will pass, this is a process 2)This is an experience other people have had 3)There will be support afterwards 4)They are “safe”
If they are stuck… Wait and calm them down through talk, knowing the duration of the substance taken Walk with them, talking or not, until they calm down Have them express the experience through sound Have them move through it, through a physical expression, holding a certain posture or letting the body go One could do some deep, focused bodywork, just hold someone (meeting their needs) or gently massage them. Always ask for permission regarding any kind of physical contact.
If they are stuck…(continued) Have appropriate sitter regarding male/female, important when recall of sexual abuse or release of sexual energy takes place. The person could recline, eyes closed or blindfolded, being in a safe place, listening to comforting music and grounding the experience. If the person's emotions are overwhelming them, encourage their expression.
!! Don’t forget !! It can ALSO be fun or funny, sometimes. You don’t need to be too serious.
For more info: MAPS Educational Video: Working with Difficult Psychedelic Experiences (available on Youtube and on Visit:
To fund this project: For just $38 USD you can sponsor one Sanctuary visitor in 2008 $400 USD can sponsor 10 people (10% of visitors) (put picture of tripping person here)