EMOTIONAL LABOUR (topics) 1. Nature of Emotion – disorder 2. Nature of Work –rationalisation 3. Contradictions of emotional labour 4. Emotion and domestic labour 5. Emotional labour as control 6. Emotion and hierarchy 7. Gender and emotions 8. Emotion as Acting - surface and deep acting 9. Emotional labour among workers 10. Types of emotional orientation – empathy and sympathy 11. Power and emotions – emotional attachment to/detachment from the organisation 12. Trust
EMOTION Strong instinctive feeling such as love or fear Source: Concise Oxford dictionary
EMOTIONAL LABOUR (definition) (in fulfilment of an official or unofficial contract of labour) inducing or suppressing a feeling so as to produce a behaviour that produces required feeling responses in others adapted from Hochschild A The Managed Heart
Emotional Labour = a) Displaying emotions b) Handling emotions
Emotion and Reason 1. emotion as unreasoned opinion; 2. the object of control in the civilising process - Elias 3. a threat to the rationalisation of the modern workplace - Braverman, Ritzer But: –a) the long history of professional and craft pride encouraging high quality work –b) the use of emotional ties among workers as a management tool to increase attachment to the workplace
Expanding or Counter rationalisation emotional labour crosses the boundary between public and private a) domestic labour – work into home? b) service industries – home into work?
Emotional Labour as Control 1. Family/Housework model of care work 2. Training consumers to display non- disruptive emotions
Status of Emotional Labour Typical inverse relationship between hierarchical location and performance of emotional labour
Gender and Emotion Distribution of emotional labour draws on gender stereotypes –Male affective neutrality –Female emotional engagement
Emotional Labour as Performance 1. Surface acting Problem of mistaking performance and authenticity; betrayal of trust 2.Deep acting Colonisation of emotion Colonisation of emotion
Emotional Distance and Job Status 1. Empathy: ability to identify with a person or object professional labour, typically male 2. Sympathy: sharing of anothers feelings routine labour, typically female Source Concise Oxford Dictionary
Limiting Emotion In flexible times emotional attachment to the job/organisation is potentially dangerous