Volcanoes * There are 2 (main) kinds of Volcanoes 1.Steep sloped with violent (explosive) eruptions 2.Gentle sloped with voluminous lava flows Mount Fuji, Japan
Steep Sloped Violent/Explosive Composite Cone, Stratovolcano – Large, nearly symmetrical formed from layers of both lava and pyroclastic materials. Gas rich magma of andesitic composition, Dangerous, viscous lava flows, mostly located in the “Ring of Fire”. Mt. Fuji, Mt. St. Helens Cinder Cone – Composed of loose pyroclastic material and usually form from a single eruption. Short life and are usually smaller meters. Paricutin
Gentle Sloped voluminous lava flows Shield volcano – broad, slightly dome-shaped. Most have grown from the deep-ocean floor to form islands. Form from the accumulation of fluid basaltic lavas Hawaiian islands, Kilauea, Iceland
Factors that determine volcanic eruption type a.Amount of dissolved gases in the magma b.Temperature of the magma c.Composition of the magma