Types of volcanoes 1. Shield Volcano Rounded, gentle slopes and large bases Lava is usually fluid and flows easily Ex. Hawiian Islands, Kilauea, Manua Loa
2. Cinder Cone Volcano Steepest sloped volcano Lava is thick with gas trapped inside Eruptions are usually violent Ex. Sunset Crater, Arizona
3. Composite Volcano (stratovolcano) Produced when there is a series of alternating eruptions Consists of layers of ash, and cinders alternating with lava Usually formed on continental plates Ex. Mt. St Helens, Mt Fuji, Japan
Video clip
Volcano Anatomy
Pahoehoe Lava
AA Lava
Mt Vesuvius clip
The Hawaiian Islands were created in this way? A. sea floor spreading B. convergent boundaries C. hot spots D. I don’t know
What causes the hot molten material in convection currents to rise? A. differences in density B. differences in composition C. differences in gravity D. I don’t know
Where would you expect to find new crust being created? A. convergent boundary B. divergent boundary C. transform boundary D. I don’t know
Flight cancellations, caused by volcanic ash from Iceland, are a result of which boundary type? A. convergent B. divergent C. transform D. I don’t know
What causes the hot molten material in convection currents to rise? A. differences in density B. differences in composition C. differences in gravity D. I don’t know
Volcanoes that make up the Ring of Fire are formed by; A. divergent boundaries B. hot spots C. subduction zones D. I don’t know
What type of volcano is produced by alternating eruptions of cinder and lava; A. shield B. cinder C. composite D. I don’t know
The Hawaiian Islands are an example of what type of volcano? A. shield B. cinder C. composite D. I don’t know