What is ETSI EMTEL all about Claire d’Esclercs Technical Officer for EMTEL European Telecommunications Standards Institute
History… 1 st EMTEL Workshop (25-27 February 2002) Creation of an EMTEL web and discussion list June 2002: ETSI created the ad hoc group: OCG EMTEL for Emergency Telecommunication activities
Different types of emergency need different solutions day-to-day emergencies Disasters Two routes need to be explored use of existing services, functions & specifications define requirements for the future (e.g. Project MESA) Not clear who sets requirements: not “market-driven” Fixed and mobile networks must co-operate Workshop Conclusions
What has the OCG EMTEL group been asked to do
OCG EMTEL Terms of Reference to coordinate the setting of emergency telecommunication requirements and undertake measures to efficiently continue and stimulate further co-coordinated work to identify relevant work outside ETSI, inform and stimulate appropriate activity in ETSI to provide mechanisms for the effective liaison between ETSI technical bodies and with external organizations to co-ordinate ETSI representation in external bodies to assist the Technical Organization in the development of a consistent set of deliverables
Aims To be the focal point for co-ordination and collection of Emergency Service Communication Requirements Group Members from Emergency Service User Organisations To provide a forum where Emergency Service Organisations can bring requirements to ETSI EMTEL to help organise the technical work within the TBs Co-operation with 3GPP TSGs to stimulate necessary technical work to the appropriate time-scales To provide a forum where Emergency Service Organisations can obtain information about ETSI’s EMTEL related activities EMTEL to promote the output of ETSI TBs To act as ETSI’s mouthpiece to other SDOs on the high priority subjects from GSC#9 GSC-9/2: Emergency Communications GSC-9/9: Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR)
Major activities/deliverables Published Work (in Maintenance) SR Requirements for communication of citizens with authorities/organisations in case of distress (Emergency Call Handling) - published December SR The European regulation specific to Communication in Emergency situations during emergencies - published April Work In Progress SR Requirements for communications between authorities during emergencies. SR Requirements of communication from authorities to citizens during emergencies. SR Requirements for communication between citizens during emergencies.
How EMTEL Operates Meetings Contributions Consensus Input encouraged from User Community (Non ETSI members) Electronic working list currently Promotional Web Site Making visible ETSI’s Work Contact:
A very specific TB because… Focus on the Requirements of Emergency situations Emergency Communications requirements User Requirements Regulatory Requirements User Participation Special focus for user participation Less “technical” bridge to the ETSI Work Driven by the requirement of the EU/EFTA to enable efficient support of Emergency services across Europe.
Globalization aspects ITU groups, NATO… TDR (Telecommunications for Disaster Relief) ETS (Emergency Telecommunications preference Services) Civil Standards for peace-keeping NENA (US), EENA (EU) & IETF (ieprep) Need to co-ordinate with several standards organisations Voice over IP and Public Internet Location of Caller Private IP networks, Firewalls, VPN users etc.. CEPT ERO, relevant CEN and CENELEC committees EU Research Projects (e.g. eMerge, eCall & eSafety) Crash Notification Need to co-ordinate several standards organisations Transportation of data-grams validation of protocols and inter-working
Inputs requested Those with an interest the requirements for Emergency Telecommunications are requested to comment:
Requirements into Standards Information received so far has to be processed by OCG EMTEL and input to the standards making process
EMTEL Info Visit: Click on the EMTEL link! You will find: EMTEL status report General information on EMTEL Minutes of the meetings Presentations and input document Access to the discussion list
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