PRESENTATION TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON DMR 2010/ 11 ANNUAL REPORT 15 November 2011 Programme 2: Mine Health and Safety 2
Presentation Outline Non Financial Performance Information Programme 2: Mine Health and Safety - Successes - Challenges - Corrective measures Presentation to be read in conjunction with pages 60 to 76 of the DMR Annual Report 3
Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate Purpose Execute the Department’s mandate to safeguard the health and safety of the mine employees and people affected by mining activities. Objective Reduce mining-related deaths, injuries and ill health through the formulation of national policy and legislation, the provision of advice, and the application of systems that monitor, audit and enforce compliance in the mining sector. 4
Achievements/ Successes Manage Health and Safety Risks: Fatalities reduced by 24% from 168 in 2009 to 127 in Rockburst fatalities improved by 60% from 15 to 6 in Machinery fatalities reduced by 63% from 8 to 3 in Inquiries (101%) & Investigations (96%) completed. Audits (79%) & Inspections (68%) completed. Development of Guidelines: Reviewed existing Guidelines (e.g. Enforcement Guideline and Admin Fines Guideline) Develop and review internal processes: Enforcement and Administrative fine Policy and Procedure. Human Resource Development : 83 inspectors attended WITS training. 34 officials attended other administrative and technical courses. 5
7 Regions % Change Gold and Platinum Gauteng North West Free State22 0 Coal Mpumalanga Limpopo KwaZulu- Natal93-67 Other Northern Cape440 Western Cape Eastern Cape000 All Mines Actual Fatalities per Region
8 Regions % Change Gold and Platinum Gauteng25 0 NW - North NW - South Free State Coal Mpumalanga Limpopo KwaZulu- Natal21-50 Other Northern Cape3433 Western Cape000 Eastern Cape000 All Mines Actual Fatalities per Region
CHALLENGESCORRECTIVE MEASURES Occupational Health. Chief Directorate on Health established and operational. Conversion of single sex hostels and integration of employees into communities. HIV/TB Summit will be held in this financial year. MHSI with assistance of service providers will be conducting verification of mine sampling results. 10
CHALLENGESCORRECTIVE MEASURES Occupational Safety. Stoppage of unsafe mines in line with legislation (608 issued and 1421 transgressions addressed). MHS Summit will be held during this financial year. Review of MHSA to strengthen enforcement and set minimum standards. Requesting quarterly reports from the mining company boards and engaging CEOs. Group audits will be conducted at priority mines. 11
CHALLENGESCORRECTIVE MEASURES Capacity Building19 Learner Inspectors undergoing practical training. North West regional office split into two separate offices. Appointment of legal advisors at the regional offices. Chief Directorate: Occupational Health is operational. 12
CHALLENGES Percentage of Certificates of Competency issued. CORRECTIVE MEASURES Draft and implement Action Plan to improve pass rate during the 2011/12 financial year. Collaborate with MQA to develop and implement Certificate of Competency Model to improve pass rate. 13