Widening Participation – Developing Bands 1 – 4 in Healthcare Science Emma Wilton Widening Participation Manager 20 July 2010
Background 30,000 staff employed in bands 1 – 4 across NHS SC Constitute 38% of total workforce population Occupy roles such as healthcare science assistant, healthcare science associate, dental nurse, emergency care assistant, administrator, medical secretary, cleaner, estates maintenance worker, engineer. Employers signed Skills Pledge demonstrating support for developing non-registered workforce.
Context Financial challenges – doing more with less Growing our own workforce – increasing skill mix Greater efficiencies, reducing duplication Strive to improve quality Supporting growing demand for work-based learning 2010/11 widening participation budget allocated to support development of staff via, NVQs, LAs, Apprenticeships and Foundation Degrees.
Widening Participation Activity 2010/11 Across NHS SC we are supporting provision of: 1,101 NVQs (non Train to Gain) 1,333 Learning Accounts 652 Apprenticeships 135 Foundation Degrees
NVQs NVQs are made up of units of competence Outline the standards of performance expected within an occupational area and at the required level NVQs are endorsed by the relevant skills sector council £1,000 paid by SCSHA to support provision of NVQs at levels 2 - 4
Qualification Credit Framework (QCF) for vocational qualifications A new structure that allows learners to build their qualifications bit by bit. Can combine units eg competence units and knowledge units to make a qualification Credit value for each unit 1 credit = 10 hrs of learning, can gain credit for work based training Award 1-10 credits, Certificate 13 – 36 credits, Diploma 37+ credits Can be at any level 1-8, how do they link to HE?
What is an Apprenticeship? Apprenticeships provide on the job training and qualifications for any individual over the age of 16 years Apprenticeships consist of Functional Skills, Technical Certificate and NVQ Support development of the existing workforce and new staff at bands 2 and 3, in clinical and non-clinical roles Over 80 Frameworks exist to develop skills and competences around patient and service need – Health and Social Care with pathways in pathology, renal support etc, Laboratory Technicians, Pharmacy Technicians, etc.
Apprenticeship Benefits Promote recruitment and retention of staff Provide staff with a nationally recognised, transferable qualification “I have learnt a lot. I now have an in-depth knowledge of policies and legislation that underpin my role. I am able to challenge myself, it is hard work but I love it!” (Apprentice)
Apprenticeship Funding Apprentice Age/LevelFunding Apprenticeships for 16 – 18 yr olds£1,000 premium paid by SCSHA per apprentice. 100% cost of apprenticeship framework funded via National Apprenticeship Service. Apprenticeship Level 2£2,400 Apprenticeship Level 3£3,500
Associate Practitioners Foundation Degree or equivalent –Is this what is needed? How can staff progress from Assistant to Associate to registered? What roles do we need, what roles have we already developed? Do we need regulation at these levels?
Questions for Group Work What roles do we require in bands 1 – 4 in the future and what is their scope of practice? How will these roles be educated and trained and does this education and training already exist? How do we support staff progression, from Assistant – Associate and beyond? What challenges exist in supporting vocational and work- based learning?