An Update from the UN/ECE EB Meeting Dec 2009 WGSR MeetingApril 2010 Chris Dore
Parties should report emission inventories on: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Dioxins/furans, Hexachlorobenzene Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) (including all isomers) Check where work can be harmonized with Stockholm Convention; Due to current uncertainties in PM emissions, absolute emission ceilings would be difficult to set, but relative emission reductions would be practical at this stage; Set up an Ad Hoc Group on Black Carbon to collect and assess scientific information. POPs and Particles
The EB Expressed appreciation to TFEIP for improving the GB, and to EC and EEA for the support; Adopted the revised and updated GB; Thanked EEA for making the GB available on EEA website, and for plans to launch it with EMEP; Reiterated importance of translation into Russian (first half of 2010, with Norway’s support); Welcomed draft elements of GB maintenance and improvement plan; and invited TFEIP to elaborate it for adoption by SB in September The Guidebook
The EB Expressed appreciation to CEIP for collecting, reviewing, reporting on and publishing emissions and projections; Took note of the results of the 2009 reporting round, and urged to improve reporting of sectoral, activity and LPS data; Welcomed submissions of AM, AZ,GE,KZ, and Montenegro and strongly encouraged other non-Parties to submit data; Urged delegations and the EMEP centres, in collaboration with TFEIP to assist countries in EECCA with the data reporting. Reporting of Emissions
The EB Took note with appreciation on information on stage 3 in- depth reviews, outcomes of 2008 voluntary review (FR, NO, PT, SE) & 1 st compulsory review 2009 (BE, BG, DK, ES, FI, HU, IR, LV, LT, PO); Thanked review experts from AT, DK, FR, DE, NL, SE, YK, EC for their work, and EEA for hosting the review teams; Urged Parties to nominate review experts to the roster, and to financially support participation of EECCA countries in reviews. Reporting and Review (1)
The EB Approved list of Parties to be reviewed in 2010 (CZ, CY, DE, IT, NL, RO, RU, SK, CH and UK) Approved a tentative schedule for reviews 2011: AT, BY, HR, EE, GR, IS, LU, MT, SI, UA 2012: GE, EC,KZ, KG, LI, MC, MD, Serbia, FYROM, TR 2013: AL, AM, AZ, BA, FR, Montenegro, NO, PT, SE Noted that countries not Parties to the Protocols are not obliged to participate, but are strongly encouraged (to improve the quality of inventories) Reporting and Review (2)
The EB Took note of the information presented by other organizations and programmes (EEA, JRC, EANET, NARSTO), welcomed co-operation, expressed gratitude for the contributions, and stressed the importance of continued cooperation; Encouraged collaboration with experts/organizations to share experiences and information and to explore opportunities for including items on outreach in their future workplans; Welcomed activities undertaken with other regions and development of further links. Co-operation & Info’ Sharing
1.Encourage national support for the activities of the TF 2.In cooperation with EEA, draft a maintenance and improvement plan (MIP) for the GB, and undertake tasks in the MIP as support allows 3.Support stage 2&3 reviews, expand roster of experts for stage 3 4.Promote reporting of IIRs, report reasons and indicate actions and support for Parties not reporting IIRs 5.Continue support to EECCA 6.Continue to provide a forum for new research findings on HMs and POPs 7.Encourage contribution from industry (meetings, GB) 8.Meeting with EIONET Spring 2010 TFEIP Workplan 2010
POPs Amended protocol by adopting EB’s decisions 2009/1-3: Amend text of and annexes I, II, III, IV, VI and VIII; list short-chain chlorinated paraffins and polychlorinated napthalenes in annexes I and II; amend annexes V and VII. HM EB mandated WGSR to: Increase ratifications; Potentially revise text of the Protocol and Annexes I to V to make it more adaptable Possibly produce guidance document on BAT. Gothenburg Agreed on baseline scenario of CIAM and its data Draft annex updates: I (effects), IX (ammonia) & technical ones Revision of Protocols- Status
Took note of a report from the secretariat suggesting potential difficulties for the secretariat to continue to coordinate the work and to participate in all key meetings of the TFs and EGs due to resource constraints. Consequently, requested the secretariat to maintain its present level of support to the TFs and EGs and prepare a note outlining the difficulties for consideration by the Bureau of the EB and for final decision by the EB Invited the EB to explore solutions, in conjunction with consideration of the long-term strategy for the Convention. WGSR th April 2010
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