Press Conference on Road Safety Network And Launching Fleet Safety Management
Road Safety Network December 22, 2009
Content 1- Road Safety- a global issue 2- Road Safety in Cambodia 3- Road Safety Network 4- Next step
4 1.27 million were killed on road every year in the world, almost 50% are pedestrians, motorcyclist, and bicyclist, important cause to disabilities by million. More than 90% of the world’s road deaths occur in low-income and middle- income countries, Vehicle only 40% in the world; An estimated 2.4 million a year by Sources: WHO, World Report on road crashes Road Safety Global Issue Road crash injuries are a huge public health and development issue
5 In 2008: 25,796 road crash casualties; 10,015 crashes; 1,638 were killed (average 4,5 people died/day); 7,226 severely injured; road crash casualties amongst institutional staffs. Sources: WHO, World Report on road crashes Road Safety in Cambodia Facts and figures - Cambodia Every day, 4.5 persons die and more than 70 are injured
6 Population: General Population Census of Cambodia 2008, Provisional Population Totals, National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, August RCVIS, annual report Road Safety in Cambodia Facts and figures - Cambodia Over the last 5 years, the number of fatalities has almost doubled
7 Source: Lao PDR: Handicap International Belgium in Lao PDR Vietnam: World Health Organization in Vietnam 2. Road Safety in Cambodia Facts and figures - Cambodia Cambodia already indicates one of the highest traffic fatality rates compared to other countries in the SEA region
8 Source: Ministry of Public works and transport RCVIS annual report Road Safety in Cambodia Facts and figures - Cambodia Motorbikes’ riders account for the large majority of casualties (77%), followed by pedestrians (7%) and cars (4%).
9 Source: RCVIS annual report Road Safety in Cambodia Facts and figures - Cambodia Human error is responsible of around 93% of road crashes
10 Source: RCVIS annual report Road Safety in Cambodia Facts and figures - Cambodia Speeding is a leading causes of road crashes
11 The Road Safety Network (RSN) is an informal association of Cambodian and International non- governmental organizations, UN agencies, international organizations, governmental authorities and private companies, coming together to promote road safety in their own organization and the wider community. 3. Road Safety Network What is Road Safety Network?
12 No sufficient enforcement. Insufficient road safety education and awareness. Most of crashes occur to people’s age between In 2005, Road Safety Network was launched to promote road safety in the NGOs and companies to develop and implement internal Road Safety Policy. 3. Road Safety Network Background
13 Each member of the Road Safety Network should develop andimplement a road safety policy committing itself to: Ensure that its staff wear safety helmets while riding on office motorcycles; Ensure that its staff wear seatbelts while travelling in cars; Ensure that all staff drivers are trained and fully licensed ; Ensure that all staffs are safely behaved while driving at work…; Ensure that drivers who violet the policy will be warning. 3. Road Safety Network Road Safety Policy
14 - Road safety awareness presentation based on the requests; - Get more additional materials for staffs, traffic law book, traffic sign book, posters, leaflets… - Promote safe behaviors culture for staff; - Prevent and decrease road crashes happen to staff; - Contributes to the social promotion activity; - Receive label indicating high performance of road safety promotion. 3. Road Safety Network What benefits?
15 Number of members increased Type of membersNumbers NGOs86 Private companies28 Total114 Most members are NGOs, while the private companies is keeping on increasing 3. Road Safety Network Achievements
16 ScorePre-testPost-test 80-90/ 1003%78% 50-79/ 10014%18% 15-49/ 10083%4% In 2009, 23 presentations has been delivered for various agencies/ companies with 4,139 audiences. A pre and post test results provide that knowledge on basic road safety amongst audiences increased. 3. Road Safety Network Achievements
17 Almost 100% of staff who drive Motorbike wear helmet 90% of staff who are passengers wear a helmet; 80% of staff, drivers and passengers, wear seatbelt; 30% very much strictly implement the RSN Policy, 20% strictly implement the policy; 50% moderate implement the policy, as they feel that all staff abide the policy. A survey, in 2009, amongst RSN members: 3. Road Safety Network Achievements Achievements
18 Continue exploring new members and maintain current members; Awareness raising and technical assistances provided as possible; Collaborate with other stakeholders to develop Road Safety Label and offer to those who are outstanding members; Suggest integrating 10 commitments for road safety into the contract/ agreement with staff. Initiate of Vehicle Fleet Safety into RSN member and non members 4. Next Step
19 4. Next step 10 Commitments card- sample 1.Wear a helmet/ seatbelt; 2.Drive at safe speed and distance; 3.Not drive under the influence of alcohol or drug; 4.Not overtake in a risky situation; 5.Know and respect the give ways rule; 6.Not overload or take on an overloaded vehicle; 7.Not use a mobile phone when driving; 8.Be licensed and trained for the vehicle I drive; 9.Maintain my vehicle in a good condition; 10.Be visible as a pedestrian or cyclist.
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