Impact of Elimination of non-QRIS Programs Fiscal Committee March 4, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Impact of Elimination of non-QRIS Programs Fiscal Committee March 4, 2013

What Is QRIS? A Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) is a method to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early education and after-school settings 2

Benefits of QRIS Implementation Young children are better supported in their health and development resulting in positive child outcomes. Providers engage in continuous quality improvements resulting in higher quality early education settings. Consumers are better educated and supported in choosing high quality early education settings. Employers will benefit from a higher quality future workforce. Policymakers have access to tools to improve quality across systems, states, and regions. 3

Key Components of a QRIS Standards Accountability and Monitoring Educator and Program Supports Incentives Family and Consumer Engagement 4

History of the MA QRIS EEC formally began developing QRIS in Massachusetts during the spring of Stakeholders (including early educators and researchers) across the Commonwealth contributed to the development of the system. Massachusetts piloted a QRIS in that was supported by the first round of Program Quality Improvement Grants. Revised QRIS Standards were issued on December 14,

MA QRIS Standards Developed for all programs and educators that are serving children and youth across the Commonwealth’s mixed delivery system. Grounded in the Massachusetts’ Licensing Regulations and based on child development, early education, and afterschool program quality research, 6

QRIS Standards for Three Program Types There are three sets of customized standards: Center-based/ School-based Family Child Care After School Programs/ Out of School Time Access the QRIS Standards on the EEC website: education-and-care/qris/massachusetts-qris- standards.html education-and-care/qris/massachusetts-qris- standards.html 7

QRIS Financial Support FY2010 Income Eligible $3,297, FY2011 ARRA CCDF $3,328, FY2012 ARRA CCDF $ 71, FY2012 UPK $ 276, FY2012 Infants and Parents $ 730, GRAND TOTAL$7,705, Presuming an average award of approximately $5,000, we estimate that we have provided assistance to over 1,500 programs. 8

Entry Into QRIS We have required entry or participation in QRIS in the following places: IE RFR 3/2009: This RFR “will focus on strengthening the quality of contract providers by selecting providers based on quality evaluation criteria, phasing in an accreditation requirement, and aligning minimum contract standards with the forthcoming QRIS. All contract providers will be expected to participate in this process.” 12/17/10 Center based programs serving I/T/PS children must have begun the accreditation process with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) by 8/31/12. Center based programs serving SA children only and Family Child Care (FCC) providers affiliated with a System must be participating in QRIS by 8/31/12. 9

Entry Into QRIS, Continued 1/19/12 Center based programs and FCC providers serving I/T/PS/SA children must be participating in QRIS by 8/31/12, as evidenced by submitting to final their QRIS Application. 9/2012 IE Contract Renewal: Center based child care programs must apply to QRIS by submitting to final their QRIS application by 8/31/12. FCC Systems agree that all FCC providers affiliated with their System must submit to final their QRIS application by 8/31/12. Any FCC provider that affiliates with a System after 8/31/12 will have one year to submit to final their QRIS application. 10

Summary of QRIS Entry Notifications All center-based child care programs must apply to QRIS by submitting to “final” their QRIS application by 8/31/12. FCC Systems agree that all FCC providers affiliated with Family Child Care Systems must submit to “final” their QRIS applications by 8/31/12. All FCC providers in Systems must be at self assessed Level 2 by 12/31/13. ALL center based programs and FCC providers serving subsidized children must now be in QRIS. ALL FCC providers must be at self assessed Level 2 by 12/31/13. 11

QRIS Tied to Increased Payment 8/31/12 Providers of infant and toddler subsidized child care that are self-assessed at Level 2 or higher in QRIS will receive a rate increase equal to 3% of their current subsidized rate. Providers self-assessed at Level 2 or higher by 8/31/12 received the increase retroactive to 7/1/12. Providers self-assessed at Level 2 or higher between 9/1/12 and 9/31/12 received the increase effective October 1, Providers self-assessed by 12/31/12 received the increase effective 1/1/13. Providers self-assessed at Level 2 or higher after 1/1/13 will receive the increase on six month increments. 12

QRIS Specific Level Required 3/30/12 UPK RFR: All programs must be at least a Level 3 in QRIS. Current UPK programs that do not satisfy Level 3 in QRIS may be grandfathered in for only one year. The grandfathered UPK programs will not be eligible to apply for the FY14 UPK grant if they fail to attain Level 3 in QRIS by the end of the FY13 grant period. 9/13/12 RTTT QRIS RFR: In order to be eligible to apply for the FY 13 – FY16 Durable Goods and Services/Program Planning Quality Improvement Grants, programs must satisfy the following criteria: Have completed and submitted a QRIS self assessment form; Have achieved Level 1 QRIS for the Program Planning Grant; Have achieved a Level 2 or 3 QRIS for the Durable Goods and Services Grant. It is the goal of this initiative that within 12 months of receiving grant funds programs will advance at least one level on the QRIS. 13

QRIS Specific Level Required EMB FY dated 12/14/12: In order for a camp with a DPH certificate from its local town or city to be eligible to receive summer only vouchers, the camp must be administered by an EEC licensed or approved school age program that is self-assessed at Level 2 or above in QRIS. A program that is not self- assessed at QRIS Level 2 or above may submit a letter of intent to the appropriate CCR&R by March 30, 2013, stating its intention to submit to Level 2 by May 15, /17/13 Released to all Contract Providers and CCRRs relative to the delivery of substitute care when children at a Level 2 provider receive care from a Level 1 provider, we stated all FCC providers in Systems must be at self assessed Level 2 by December 31,

Status as of March 1,

Consequences ALL center based programs and FCC providers serving subsidized children must now be in QRIS. All those not in QRIS will receive letters indicating that their access to new contract slots and/or vouchers is frozen. All those receiving letters will have 60 days to submit applications to final in QRIS. 16