Society- population that occupies the same territory Ch. 4- Society Society- population that occupies the same territory
Society continued Terms Social structure- pattern of relationships in a social system Status- position in society Master status- position most important in establishing an individual’s social identity Status inconsistency- situation in which aspects of an individual’s status appear contradictory Ascribed status- status in which people have no control Achieved status- status in which people have control
Society continued Terms Social class- category of people of equal status in an unequal society Role- set of expected patterns and obligations Role expectations- accepted social norms- how a role ought to be played Role performance- actual behavior of a person playing a role Group- collection of people interacting together in an orderly way
Society continued Terms Primary group- small # of people who interact over a long period of time Secondary group- # of people who interact on a temporary basis Institutions Resist change Interdependent Change together Social problems
Society continued Sport- competitive physical activity guided by established rules Include: leisure activities, physical exercise, role models, outlets for energy, and reinforcement of values
Society continued Types of Societies Hunting and Gathering Pastoral- domesticated herded animals Horticultural- domesticated plants Agricultural Industrial Post-Industrial