Safe Driving Kyle Dawson
Statistics for Young Drivers Teen driver crashes are the leading cause of death for our nation’s youth. 20% of 11 th grade drivers report being in a crash. 66% of teens who died in crashes weren’t using seat belts. Being awake for 18 hours is equal to a BAL of 0.08% (legally drunk). 53% of cell phone-owning teens use them while driving. Teens have a slower reaction time to hazards.
Speeding Ticket Costs In Maryland, a speeding ticket may cost $(10*n), whereas n is by how many mph you were speeding. This can be altered by other factors such as total speed and what area you’re speeding in. $106 for 10 mph over speed limit. $160 for 19 mph over speed limit. $290 for 29 mph over speed limit. $556 in total for those three tickets above.
Speeding Can Kill In 1996, 41,907 people died in crashes - one every 13 minutes. 36% of year old male teens were speeding before fatally crashing. In 1996, 624,000 people received minor injuries, 75,000 people received moderate injuries, and 41,000 received critical injuries from speeding-related crashes.
Safe Driving Saves… Lives Money