Group Composed of people who share several features: Regular contact Share similar ways of thinking, feelings, and behavior Take one another’s behavior into account Have one or more interests or goals in common.
Social Aggregate People who share a social characteristic. Ex. Concert, study center, standing in line at lunch
Charles Horton Cooley Primary Interaction is direct the common bonds are close and intimate Relationships are warm and personal Small group of people Secondary Bonds are impersonal Duration of group is short Relationship involved few emotional ties.
Functions of a Primary Group 1.Emotional Support 2.Socialization 3.Encourage conformity
Reference Group Social groups that provide the standards by which we evaluate ourselves. Ex. Student is worried about how her family will react to her grades, she is using her family as a reference group. Ex. Parents, using other parents as a reference group. Ex. Athletes mentally comparing themselves to other athletes.
In-Group and Out-group In - Group “we” belong to this/these group(s) A sense of loyalty “us” Examples of in-groups are endless…. Schools, athletic teams, racially or ethnic, sexual orientation, gender/sex, occupation, nationality, geographical region, etc…. Out – Group Groups toward which one feels a sense of competition or opposition. “them”
In-groups are a.k.a. “Cliques” Do “cliques” exist at BHS? How do you know?