President: Sidney Widmark
Vice President: Jessica Moon
Secretary: Casey La Honta
Treasurer: Elizabeth Shea
Fundraising: Lilian Saldaña
Community Service: Rose Herndier
Historian/WPA: Kat Courtney
Public Relations: Rachelle Webb A.K.A. Chelley!
Social Chair: Jessica Smith
Class Council Rep: Adrian Calderon
Advisor: Her Royal Highness, Dr. Bettina J. Casad
Zumba Fitness! Bronco Fitness Center Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30-6:30 PM $18/ month for students; unlimited group classes
What is Psi Chi? Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in Psi Chi is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychological Society (APS). This is the Cal Poly Pomona Chapter! We are one of the largest organizations in C.L.A.S.S.
The Vision/Goal for ‘12-’13 To become the most widely recognized and esteemed club in the department Let’s be able to brag about it!!
The Four Point Plan Academic Excellence shoot for the stars! Professional Development “do better” Networking the more connections, the more opportunities Community Service bettering the lives of others
What are chapter is dedicated to: 1. To provide an environment that promotes creative development. Activities Grad school student panel Speakers and professor presentations Research opportunities and information Attendance and professional conferences, especially WPA Social events Welcome Back Social (October 12th) Halloween Social (October 30th) Movie the BSC (November 7 th ) Christmas Social Community service events Matt’s Run (October 13) KidCare Helping Hands Fundraisers T-Shirts Bake sales Chocolate Sales Silent Auction
What are the benefits? Professional growth References Exposure to different fields of psychology. Meeting and interacting with leaders in their field and other students interested in psychology. Networking Notification of research and job opportunities/ internships/ and scholarships. Having fun!
Qualifications for International Membership 3.0 cumulative GPA 3.0 major class GPA 20 participation points a. Meetings (1) b. Social events (2) c. Community Service (3) d. Fundraisers (3) e. Attending conferences (4) f. Presenting at conferences (5) Complete application for national membership by (November 30 th for Fall quarter) You DO NOT have to be a International member to participate. For questions regarding past and future points, talk to Casey La Honta
Dues How much? a. $15.00 per quarter b. $35.00 for the whole year What does it pay for? a. Food b. Supplies c. Social events d. Some costs towards WPA travel Talk to Treasurer Elizabeth Shea about membership fees
Opportunities off the bat! There are several research training and funding opportunities for students wishing to pursue a PhD in a research area* Health, biopsychology, neuroscience (funding available from NIH) Start research early! Most opportunities are only available for non-graduating seniors, juniors, and sophomores Go to and click “Participate in Research” and complete the interest survey—more info to come. See (*Note if your primary interest in clinical psychology is to do therapy, you are not eligible for some research programs at CPP)
October 13 Arabian Horse Center (off of Eucalyptus Drive) 7AM-10 PM
Prices & Points $20- Pre-Registration $25- Day of the Event (Bring your non-CPP friends! Non-CPP students $35 pre-registration, $40 day-of) 3 Points-Register & participate 1 Point- Register but do not attend
Online Registration:
Talk to Rose Herndier, Psi Chi Community Service Chair for more info !!
Welcome back Fall Social w/ AKD &NLPA : FUN FUN FUN!! Who’s Invited?? All prospective members, bring other people you know who are psych. majors and/or are in AKD / NLPLA When is it?? Friday, October 1:00 p.m. Where’s it going to be?? On the grassy area near the rose garden What’s going down?? BBQ, games, bocce ball, piñata, networking and pure fun!!
Don’t forget to Save the date!! Welcome back social: OCT. 12 The Rose Garden from 1-3p.m.
Other socials in the year Movie Night in the BSC Christmas Party Karaoke Bowling! Pre-WPA Social End of the year Banquet
A great way to network, present research, and a better way to get to know your fellow Psi Chi members
Association for Psychological Science Similar to APA Conference in Washington, D.C. Fall Rally Week ends October 6 th $25 (regularly $38) for undergraduate students and $59 (regularly $78) for graduate students. Join here: Campus Representative: Rachelle Webb
Call for Submissions : Opens October 17 th (ends January 31 st ) Theme Programs: Regulating the World, Regulating the Mind Biological Bases of Social Behavior Building a Better Psychological Science: Good Data Practices and Replicability Visit for more informationhttp://
Western Psychological Association April 25-28, Reno, NV
WPA Conference Go with Psi Chi, enjoy the company of CPP professors and other professionals! Present your data and represent Cal Poly Pomona Hang out with your peers and professors outside of the classroom Explore an unfamiliar city Get pumped about Psi Chi & consider being on next years e-board!
Psi Chi Book Exchange Facebook Group “Like” us at Post comments/pictures about books you’d like to Borrow Buy Loan Sell
Psi Chi Study Hours Please complete this section of the survey so we can formulate an appropriate schedule for the majority of Psi Chi members Use Psi Chi e-board member and others for HELP GRE study sessions to prepare you for grad school! Endless brainstorming sessions
The Website, by Webmaster Rachelle Webb Includes membership information and links to Psi Chi International website Resources for the club, club events, professional conferences, and on- and off-campus opportunities Take the Psi Chi survey!