CHRISTIAN HISTORY MADE EASY Chapter Two “Balancing the Past with the Present”
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“The Great Creator of the Worlds” (Verse 1) “The great Creator of the worlds, the sov’reign God of heav’n, “The great Creator of the worlds, the sov’reign God of heav’n, “A holy and immortal truth to us on earth has giv’n, “A holy and immortal truth to us on earth has giv’n, “A holy and immortal truth to us on earth has giv’n!” “A holy and immortal truth to us on earth has giv’n!”
“The Great Creator of the Worlds” (Verse 2) “God sent Christ down as sending God, one man for humankind. “God sent Christ down as sending God, one man for humankind. “As one with us, Christ dwelt with us, and died and lives on high, “As one with us, Christ dwelt with us, and died and lives on high, “As one with us, Christ dwelt with us, and died and lives on high!” “As one with us, Christ dwelt with us, and died and lives on high!”
“The Great Creator of the Worlds” (Verse 3) “God sent no angel of the host to bear this mighty Word, “God sent no angel of the host to bear this mighty Word, “But Christ, through whom the worlds were made, the everlasting Lord, “But Christ, through whom the worlds were made, the everlasting Lord, “Yes, Christ, through whom the worlds were made, the everlasting Lord!” “Yes, Christ, through whom the worlds were made, the everlasting Lord!”
The rise of Gnosticism A second-century Christian wrote “The Great Creator of the Worlds” to combat a false teaching known as “Gnosticism” or “the Secret Knowledge Movement.” A second-century Christian wrote “The Great Creator of the Worlds” to combat a false teaching known as “Gnosticism” or “the Secret Knowledge Movement.” The word “Gnosticism” comes from gnosis, a Greek word that means “knowledge.” The word “Gnosticism” comes from gnosis, a Greek word that means “knowledge.”
The rise of Gnosticism The basic beliefs of Gnosticism were: The basic beliefs of Gnosticism were: –1. Certain people can achieve “secret knowledge” about God. –2. This “secret knowledge” included acknowledging that everything physical is evil. –3. The Father of Jesus was not the same God as the God of the Old Testament, who created the physical world –4. Nothing physical could be holy; so, Jesus Christ was not truly human.
Christianity and Gnosticism Marcion of Pontus (died, AD 160) Marcion of Pontus (died, AD 160) Rejected the Old Testament and the God of the Jews Rejected the Old Testament and the God of the Jews Regarded an edited version of Luke and ten of Paul’s letters as the authoritative texts for Christian beliefs Regarded an edited version of Luke and ten of Paul’s letters as the authoritative texts for Christian beliefs
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »“Canon” was a Greek word that meant “measuring stick.” »The list of books that Christians should follow were called a “canon” because they set the standard for Christians’ faithfulness to God.
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »Christians included the Old Testament in their list because they believed the God of the Jews was also the God of Jesus Christ.
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »Christians asked three questions about Christian writings that could have been included in the canon: »(a) Is the book connected to an apostle?
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »Christians asked three questions about Christian writings that could have been included in the canon: »(b) Do churches throughout the world use the book?
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »Christians asked three questions about Christian writings that could have been included in the canon: »(c) Does the book agree with what we already know about God?
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »Although questions persisted into the 300s about Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, and Jude, by AD 200, Christians throughout the world had agreed on a basic canon.
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »Early Christians asked these three questions because they believed their faith was … … apostolic (based on the historical witness of the apostles). … apostolic (based on the historical witness of the apostles).
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »Early Christians asked these three questions because they believed their faith was … … catholic (from the Greek word katholikos, “universal,” “shared throughout the world”). … catholic (from the Greek word katholikos, “universal,” “shared throughout the world”).
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –1. A list of authoritative writings (a “canon”) for Christians to follow. »Early Christians asked these three questions because they believed their faith was … … self-consistent (no theological contradictions). … self-consistent (no theological contradictions).
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –2. The Rule of Faith »The earliest Christians probably made brief statements of faith before being baptized, such as “Jesus Christ is Lord” or “I believe that Jesus is the Son of God” (Acts 8:37; Phil. 2:11).
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –2. The Rule of Faith »To help new Christians to understand how their faith differed from Marcion’s false teachings, a longer statement of faith emerged— “the Rule of Faith.”
The Rule of Faith Congregation: Do you believe in God the Father, Ruler of all? Congregation: Do you believe in God the Father, Ruler of all? Candidate: I believe. Candidate: I believe.
The Rule of Faith Congregation: Do you believe in Christ Jesus, God’s Son, who was born by the Holy Spirit through the virgin Mary, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried and rose again on the third day, sat at the Father’s right hand, and will come again to judge the living and the dead? Congregation: Do you believe in Christ Jesus, God’s Son, who was born by the Holy Spirit through the virgin Mary, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried and rose again on the third day, sat at the Father’s right hand, and will come again to judge the living and the dead? Candidate: I believe. Candidate: I believe.
The Rule of Faith Congregation: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy church, and the resurrection of the flesh? Congregation: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy church, and the resurrection of the flesh? Candidate: I believe. Candidate: I believe. All: Amen. All: Amen.
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –3. More powerful overseers »Leading pastors—known as “overseers” or “bishops”—were viewed as the trustees of the apostles’ teachings. »During the Gnostic controversies, these overseers gained more authority.
Christianity and Gnosticism How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? How did Christians respond to Gnosticism? –3. More powerful overseers »In cities where apostles had lived and died, the overseer was viewed as having a unique measure of authority. »Because Peter and Paul died in Rome and because Rome was an important city, the Roman overseer became especially esteemed.