Partnerships that Work Prepared for the Spring 2009 CalACT Conference by Cindy Dahlgren Director of Administration Central Contra Costa Transit Authority.


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Presentation transcript:

Partnerships that Work Prepared for the Spring 2009 CalACT Conference by Cindy Dahlgren Director of Administration Central Contra Costa Transit Authority

What Kind of Partnerships? Public/Private Partnerships Public/Public Partnerships Public/Community Partnerships

What Do They Have in Common? Built on PERSONAL Relationships Built on TRUST Offer SOMETHING for EVERYONE (win/win) Creative, Flexible, and Personal

Public/Private Partnerships Fare Subsidies for Employees Tailored routes and services paid for by employers Tailored routes and services paid for by Merchant Associations Tailored routes and services paid for by Developers Tailored Routes and services paid for by Homeowner Associations Quid Pro Quo Advertising/Marketing trades for radio/tv spots, bus wraps, inclusion on schedules or other media. Special Equipment (buses, trolleys) purchased by private business Bus shelter Advertising Beta Testing of New technologies with manufacturers

Public/Public Partnerships Transit Provider/City- downtown circulators, park n’ ride shuttles Transit Provider/County – Shuttles for jurors, intercity routes Transit Provider/University or College – Fare subsidies for students, faculty, employees; enhanced or targeted routes Transit Provider/Caltrans – transit facilities on state owned land, construction mitigation shuttles Transit Provider/other transit provider – shared pass, transfer agreements, joint purchasing, joint marketing Transit Provider/School District – school bell time service, field trips for students to transit facilities, student education, fare subsidies Transit Provider/Regulatory Agency Spare the Air” subsidized services

Public/Community Group Partnerships Transit Provider/Senior Center – ticket sales, surplus vehicles, travel training, speaking engagements, volunteer recruitment Transit Provider/grass roots advocacy group – grant writing, surplus vehicles, input for service design, legislative support Transit Provider/Health care providers – fare subsidies, shuttle services, bus stop improvements Transit Provider/private citizens – volunteer recruitment, legislative support Transit Provider/Faith Based Organizations – surplus vehicles, fund raising, volunteers, speaking engagements

Public Private Success Story CCCTA took over BART feeder service from Sunset Development in Since then, has added enhanced service subsidized by Sunset Development & free to employees of Bishop Ranch Business Park. Approximately $500,000 of express service during the commute peaks from Walnut Creek and Dublin BART

Public Private Success Story Dougherty Valley Route 135

Public/Public Partnership Success Story - Pacheco Transit Hub CCCTA is working with Caltrans to build a 114 space Park & ride + 6 bus transit hub on a parcel owned by Caltrans

Public/Public Partnership Success Story – Diablo Valley College Transit Center CCCTA is building a 10-bay bus transfer station on the campus of Diablo Valley College. DVC will be able to offer a work/study position to a student or students at the information center at the DVC TC

Public/Community Group Success Story The Monument Community Shuttle Route 8 was designed to serve key locations identified by the Community, and flexes off route on request for curb to curb service.

Public/Community Group Success Story CCCTA gave 4 retired vans to 4 Community Organizations who provided 20,550 rides to seniors and disabled over 2 years. Cost to CCCTA was 79 ¢ per ADA eligible trip, and CCCTA saved $358,504 from those trips being served by the Community Groups instead of LINK.