Luke 8: Jesus heals a demon possessed man
Overview Background An errand of mercy A tragic case A mighty deliverance A fearful rejection So what?
Background These events follow the calming of the storm Jesus is now in Gentile territory One man or two (Matthew 8:28)
An errand of mercy Why did Jesus go? –Jesus left “successful ministry” –Jesus “risked” the storm on the lake –Jesus went to heal this man Is this why the storm came (Satanic attack) –A light to the gentiles (Isaiah 42) –To demonstrate His power over Satan
A tragic case Locked in a prison of demon possession Been in this state for “a long time” (27) –No clothes or home (27) Excluded from society –Driven to a solitary place (29) Supernatural strength (29) –Used for destruction Legion Driven by the demons to the shore to meet and oppose Jesus (26)
A mighty deliverance Fell at Jesus feet (28) –Subjection not worship Opposition – no common ground (28) Demons recognised Jesus authority 29) –Don’t torture me (28) –Begged not to be sent to “the Abyss” (31) Entered (and destroyed) the pigs
A fearful rejection Those tending the pigs ran off (34) –Reported in the town what had happened People went out to see (35) Saw the man healed (34) Told how he had been healed (36) Feared Jesus and asked Him to leave –Concerned about possessions? The man wanted to follow Jesus (38) –Return home and tell how much God has done for you (39)
So what? Are we more concerned about obedience than success? Are we prepared to “risk all” to save one? Are we confident of Jesus power over the devil? –Do we pray it and live it? What “prisons” are we held in? Have we known Christ’s deliverance from sin? –For Christians and non-Christians The demons know they will be judged and fear it but still oppose Christ. What about us? Are we trusting God and asking Him to deliver people? How do we react when we see the power of God at work? Are we more concerned about possessions than people?
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