evidence Evidence Research to Reality: Building Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Science Russell E. Glasgow, Ph.D. Deputy Director, Implementation Science Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences National Cancer Institute NIH Annual D&I Science Meeting March 22, 2011
2 Observations from D & I Conference Role of D&I/KT in Comparative Effectiveness Research Opportunity for International Collaboration Need for more Policy Research Shift focus away from basic and efficacy research (Kessler and Glasgow, in press) Funders are building capacity for more D&I research
3 D & I Meeting Observations Cont. Key Need for Pragmatic Trials and Cost- Effectiveness Research Disruptive Innovations- task shifting Dr. Clancy- ‘Will it work HERE?’ (Realist review- Pawson) and Need for Replication Dr. Kaplan- Need for Attention to ALL Steps in the Dissemination ‘Cascade’ Continued Focus on Reducing Disparities, Broadly Defined
4 Conference Observations contd. Meeting materials (presentations, program book, archived webcasts) will be available at the end of April at: - I2011/contact.htmlhttp://conferences.thehillgroup.com/obssr/D I2011/contact.html -Need for more Training in D &I
5 Dissemination & Implementation Science Meetings and Trainings NIH: Training Institute for D&I Research in Health -Chapel Hill, NC August 1-5, /TIDIRH2011/index.htmlhttp://conferences.thehillgroup.com/OBSSRinstitutes /TIDIRH2011/index.html -Applications Due April 15 Canada: Knowledge Translation Training & Resources - Other - TrainingDirectory.pdfhttp:// TrainingDirectory.pdf
Research to Reality (R2R): A Virtual Community of Practice A dialogue between practitioners and researchers on how to move evidence-based programs into practice Launched February, 2011 (NCI) -Linked to Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. Step 2 Site Features: -Monthly cyber-seminars -Discussion forums -An events calendar -Featured partners -Community profiles
7 Identifying Practical Patient-Report Measures for the Electronic Health Record Rationale: One thing is missing from all the investment and advances in EHRs- patient reports Scope: 13 areas most commonly encountered in adult primary care related to: – Health Behaviors- tobacco, healthy eating, medication adherence, physical activity, substance use –Psychosocial Factors- Outcomes- quality of life, depression, anxiety, sleep, stress/distress, patient goals and preferences Influences- health literacy/numeracy, demographics Current Gap D&I: What we know Decision Support Tools Future Directions/D&I
8 Patient Report EHR Measures Project Phases Identify 2-3 candidate measures Widespread web-based wiki activity YOU are invited: (till April 4 or 11?) Meeting on May 2-3- Day 1 town hall followed by Day 2 invited stakeholder decision makers Post Meeting and Beyond: Your advice, suggestions? Current Gap D&I: What we know Decision Support Tools Future Directions/D&I
“The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” A. Einstein 9