Dr. Adrian Todd So that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 20:31
Who are you? Where are you from? John 8 - context -It follows chapter 7 -We are still at the Feast of Tabernacles -The discussions with the scribes and pharisees continue -It is all getting a bit tense -He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him (1:11) -It starts and ends with an attempt at a stoning -Jesus is in the Temple and the people are coming to Him (v2)
The woman caught in adultery A story of a real event, but not originally here Very useful here, it epitomises the attitude of the scribes and pharisees -it sets the scene for what follows One question -Where’s the man? Selective use of the Law In the centre of the court - very public Whoever is without sin can throw first -at least they had a conscience Go and sin no more
Who are you? (v25) At last, they ask the right question -if you want the right answer you have to ask the right question Where we are from is part of who we are? The same questions was asked of John the Baptist (1:19) Jesus has been trying to tell them -in fact He has been pretty direct, and will become more so But it is not the answer that they want to hear -if you ask God a question you have to be prepared to accept the answer
I AM the Light of the World A clear declaration of identity (v12) Tabernacles also celebrated light -the Court of Women was illuminated every night -the light shining out of the Temple into a world of darkness -the Pillar of Fire, the Shekinah Glory, the Great Light (Isaiah 9:2) He who follows Me will not walk in darkness (v12) I know where I came from and where I am going (v14) Always follow someone who knows where they are going
When you lift up the Son of Man Meaning both the Cross -obviously, the sin of the world is dealt with on the Cross And acknowledging Him for who HE IS -less obvious, Jesus is from above -lifting Him back there in our hearts and minds, recognises Him for who He really is
Before Abraham Relying on biological decent from Abraham was not enough (following His example of faith helps) Following the letter of the Law of Moses was not enough (see 1:17) Knowing the Father (God) was what mattered (v54) Abraham saw Jesus’ day (Gen 18 & 22) Before Abraham was born I AM Stoning was dying for your sins
Jesus hid Himself Physically, and spiritually hidden We do not want Jesus to hide Himself from us How do we see Him? By lifting Him up -we acknowledge Him as being from above (v28) -we accept His sacrifice for our sins (v24) -we worship Him -we continue in His Word, keep His commandments (vv31, 52)