THE Blue Economy FROM CONCEPT TO REALITY IN THE CARIBBEAN Dr Julian Roberts Adviser (Ocean Governance) The Commonwealth
INSANITY – doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results….. Albert Einstein
What is the Blue Economy? “economic activities that directly or indirectly take place in the ocean, use outputs from the ocean, and put goods and services into ocean’s activities” Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2015
What is the Blue Economy? Tourism Beach tourism Cruise ships Yachting Fisheries Recreational / subsistence Sport fishing Commercial Mariculture Conservation & environmental protection Marine protected areas Goods and services Amenity values Maritime transport & ports Maritime industry International shipping Port and harbour facilities Offshore Petroleum Crude oil Natural gas Dredging & aggregate extraction Sand mining Port dredging
What is the Blue Economy?
The G20 and the Blue Economy Integrating developing and low-income countries into the world economy Creating better quality jobs Better integration of SMEs Food security with a focus on sustainable food systems Human resource development Energy sustainability and renewable energy investment
Goals for the blue economy Economic diversification Creation of high value jobs Ensure food security Managing and protecting the marine environment
Future blue growth opportunities Mariculture Blue Bio- technology Marine Renewable Energy Blue Finance
What is already happening? Carbon War Room Renewable Energy Caribbean Challenge Initiative (CCI) Eastern Caribbean Regional Ocean Policy
Enablers for change Healthy, resilient & productive marine environment Ocean governance Technology, research & development Business development, investment & finance Maritime surveillance & enforcement Education & capacity building Infrastructure
Malama o kekai, kekai o ke malama Thank You For Listening Take care of the ocean and the ocean will take care of you Thank You For Listening