The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 Carolyn Benigno Animal Health Officer
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 Outline Study on the Role of Vaccination in the control of FMD in the Mekong Region FMD Carrier Role of the Asian Swamp Buffalo GF-TADs Meetings (SAARC, SPC, Asia) GIS Training for Animal Health Management Launch of the Sub regional EAHMI Phase 2 (Philippines, Cambodia, Laos) Launch of the FAO-ADB Control of TADs for Poverty Reduction in the GMS FMD Assistance to DPRK, Bhutan, Bangladesh, SAARC ERV Assistance in the Philippines PRRS Assistance in Vietnam BSE workshop and working group meeting Brucellosis diagnosis and control with an emphasize on B. melitensis in collaboration with OIE
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (1) Study on the Role of Vaccination in the control of FMD in the Mekong Region FMD vaccine can be used in different ways, depending on the objective. protection risk reduction eradication
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (1) Study on the Role of Vaccination in the control of FMD in the Mekong Region Highlights of the Recommendations A vaccine bank, or vaccine stock mechanism, of to doses is established. The split between serotypes and species-suitability of the vaccine is regularly reviewed according to updated outbreak data and laboratory analysis. Consideration should be given to securing a supply of antigen to enable the Pak Chong plant to produce more pig FMD vaccine or an arrangement made with a private company to provide pig vaccine. Vaccine is mobilised rapidly when outbreaks are reported in Lao PDR and Cambodia to help control them and reduce the spread of disease The adequacy of the cold chain, from when vaccine leaves the production facility in refrigerated lorries up to the time at which it is administered, should be re-evaluated. Animals moved by traders should be vaccinated if risk assessment shows this to be a probable cause of FMD outbreaks.
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (2) FMD Carrier Role of the Asian Swamp Buffalo Objective: To clarify the role and significance of the carrier state in Asian Swamp Buffalo (ASB) in the transmission and control of Foot–and-Mouth Disease (FMD) in Southeast Asia. 3 year study Study sites: Myanmar and Lao PDR 2 collections already done, 3 rd collection – ongoing Preliminary findings: The sequencing results in the probang samples were 94% genetically similar to Lao A 2006 and 92% similar to A Malaysia So initially, it could be that Lao buffalos are carriers of FMD A since the 2006 outbreak or it is circulating undetected in the buffalo population. Although IgA test is a good tool for carrier animal detection, it still has to be confirmed by virus isolation. Implications on the SEAFMD program
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (3) GF-TADs Meetings (SAARC, SPC, Asia) GF-TADs Subregional Meeting for: SAARC (4-5 June 2009, Kathmandu, Nepal) Institutionalizing the SAARC CVO mechanism Developing roadmaps for regional disease priorities SPC ( June 2009, Suva, Fiji) – Focused on emergency preparedness ASEAN (7-8 December 2009, Jakarta, Indonesia) GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Asia
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (4) GIS Training for Animal Health Management Joint FAO APHCA and OIE SEAFMD activity, held in Chiang Mai University on 1-3 July Attended by 32 participants from 18 countries. Conducted by the AusVet Team QGIS software is a user friendly, open source geographic information system. The software is free, has a user friendly interface (similar to ArcView) and is able to support common mapping tasks. Recommendations: –Refresher courses on QGIS should be held as there are features added to the software every so often. –The manual was a useful step by step guide to QGIS and should be distributed to a wider field of data managers. –Data gathering and management is vital to coming up with relevant QGIS outputs that could be used for animal health management
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 GCP/RAS/244/ITA Subregional Environmental Animal Health Management Initiative for Enhanced Smallholder Production in Southeast Asia EAHM - a philosophy (or discipline) that seeks to assess and understand animal diseases within the context of their environmental setting and production/farming system. EAHM is all about assessing and managing risk, and targeting interventions. Launched last June 2009
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (5) GCP/RAS/233/ASB FAO-ADB Control of TADs for Poverty Reduction in the GMS Study movement patterns of livestock and disease control Strengthen laboratory capacity Carry out pilot immunizations of livestock against the two prioritized TADs, FMD (and CSF), in the poor farming communities of the disease control zones in the GMS as defined by OIE. Build grass-roots capacity in disease recognition and management Provide targeted public awareness and communication to underpin disease control programmes.
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (6) FMD Assistance to DPRK, Bhutan, Bangladesh, SAARC TCP/DRK/3104 Emergency assistance for early detection, response and control of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks Risk Based strategies for the control of emerging strains of Foot- and-Mouth Disease (FMD) virus in Bhutan (pipeline) FMD Strategy for Bangladesh Regional TCP on FMD Laboratory Networking for SAARC (Proposal)
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (7) ERV Assistance in the Philippines TCP/PHI/3204 (E) Emergency assistance for early detection, response and control of Ebola Reston Virus in swine and other swine diseases in the Philippines –contribute to the global understanding of Ebola viruses (and specifically Ebola Reston), host range, mechanisms of transmission, risk mitigation, and the identification of a yet- elusive natural reservoir.
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 (8) PRRS Assistance in Vietnam TCP/VIE/3104 (E) Emergency assistance for early detection, response and control of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and other pig-related diseases –Improved surveillance and disease outbreak investigation skills. –Strengthened diagnostic capacity on swine diseases thereby establishing swine health status in the country. –Response plan for this disease and other swine diseases. –Market study on how local trade (banning and resumption) affects supply and prices of pork. –Good pig production practices (GPPP) by the pig producer. –Paraveterinarian training design on pig management. –Consumer awareness on hygiene and sanitation
The 33 rd APHCA Session and Workshop on Animal Productivity Enhancement in APHCA Countries Pokhara, Nepal, Activity Report on Animal Health 2009 Thank you