– The Smart Region Network Supporting European Networking in the 21 st Century National Contact Point perspective
Role of Regional Assemblies Act as Managing Authorities for the Regional Operational Programmes Monitor the general impact of all E.U. Programmes in their regions Highlighting issues of concern for the region Ensuring that national policies take the regional dimension into account
BMW Regional Assembly & Interreg National Contact Point in Ireland for: - Atlantic Area, Northern Periphery & Interreg IVC Programmes Promoting the Programme in Ireland & advising Irish Promoters on eligible themes, activities and budget preparations. Project Development Assistance & identifying suitable transnational Partners Acting as the First Level Control Authority in Ireland for Irish partner expenditure in the case of Atlantic Area, NPP and Interreg IVC Representing Ireland on the Programme Monitoring Committee
The BMW Region & ERNACT years of co-operation & exchange AA Econet AA Public Serv BRISE PIKE Co2 Free E Co-Op Engage DARRA NP Tg4NP
Key Priority areas supported by Interreg Programmes Innovation & Knowledge Economy Entrepreneurship Environment & Risk Management Accessibility & transportation Information Society Maritime Economy Tourism, Heritage & Cultural exchange.
Atlantic Area Programme €97,156,959 ERDF (99% of total budget) approved to 63 transnational projects following three public calls 666 Participant partners throughout eligible area 48 Irish Projects, 80 Irish Partners - 5 Lead Partners €11.78m ERDF approved to Irish participants Northern Periphery Programme €34,413,285 ERDF (98% of programme budget) committed to 46 transnational projects following 9 public calls 34 Irish Partner organisations participating in 23 approved projects worth €5.3m ERDF
EU 27 + Norway & Switzerland 204 Projects approved throughout EU 40 Irish Projects approved 56 Irish Partner organisations participating Total benefit to Ireland = €7m ERDF
Examples of Irish participation in Interreg IVC Programme ProjectThemeIrish PartnerPartner Budget € FLIPPERTransport/ICT/ Eco Mob.Carlow/Kilkenny Rural Transport278,000 FRESHEnvironmental Technologies Mid West Regional Authority South West Regional Authority University of Limerick 205, , ,540 DLADigital Local Agenda policyMidland Regional Authority131,048 YESYouth EntrepreneurshipSouth East Regional Authority192,936 ICEREco Tourism/Accommodation Shannon Development260,600 Waterways Forward (WF)Inland Waterways develop. South Tipperary Co. Council112,000 E-Citizens IIE- Govt applications for public South West Regional Authority206,806 DARTDeclining Aging in RegionsWest Regional Authority140,000 ICT-VNICT promotion in SMEsWestbic Border Regional Authority 166,964 82,236
Global Benefit to Ireland Programme ERDF approved €Total no. of Irish Projects Total no. of Irish partners Atlantic Area11.78m4880 Northern Periphery 5.3m2334 Interreg IVC6.9m4056 North West Europe 11m2236 Total€35m133206
European Territorial Co-operation A vehicle to advance the digital agenda Menu of Thematic objectives in line with Europe 2020 Information and Communication Technologies included Commitment to continuing National Investment in High Speed Broadband. Ambitious targets set in Ireland Significant budget proposed for continuance of ETC
Thank you Gerry Finn, Director, BMW Regional Assembly Phone: E – Web: