Women’s Equality and Budget th December 2011 Orla O’Connor National Women’s Council of Ireland.
Context of Budget 2012 Unemployment : Women’s unemployment has now rapidly increased. Women’s unemployment has increased by 10.1% in the last year in comparison to 6.8% for men. Poverty : Women’s Poverty has increased; consistent poverty levels increased from 5.4% - 6.6% between 2009 and 2010 while the level of deprivation of two or more items 17.7% % in the same period
Context of Budget 2012 Lone Parents: Lone parent households reported the high levels of poverty 18.5% -9.6% and deprivation 16.4% Locally Based Women’s Projects: The funding has been cut by 15% and this has reduced the level services that the organisations can provide. Some of the Women’s Networks have closed while others have been forced to cut back on staff and on services.
Context of Budget 2012 Debt: Women are struggling in families to manage household debt and reduced income. Over 24% of households are in arrears with one or more of the following items: utility bills, rent or mortgage payments, hire purchase agreements or other loans/bills. In 2009, almost 48% of households stated that they would be unable to meet an expense of €1,085 without borrowing.
Context of Budget 2012 Violence Against Women: In the past 3 years the domestic violence services have experienced significant cuts. In addition to this there has been over 40% increase in demand for services and this continues to grow.
Anti-Women and Children Budget POSITIVE Welfare rates Maintained Child Benefit Rates for 1st and 2nd Child maintained and payment remains universal Pre-School Year maintained
Anti-Women and Children Budget Child Benefit for 3rd child – reduced from €167 - €148 (2012) - €140 (2013) and 4th child and more children – reduced from €177 - €160 (2012) - €140 (2013). Grant of €635 for multiple births will be scrapped. Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance cut by €55 from €305 to €250 for children aged 12years and older and by €50 from €200-€150 for children aged 4-11yrs.
Anti-Women and Children Budget Lone Parents –. Age of the youngest child will be reduced to 7yrs by 2014 Lone parents accessing Community Employment Schemes will have to give up One Parent Family Payment and go onto the Community Employment Payment, Earnings disregard (the amount you can earn and still claim One Parent Family Payment) has been reduced from €146-€130 in 2012 reduced to €60 over the next 4 years.
Anti-Women and Children Budget Childcare Pre School Year: The staff/child ratios increased from 1: 10 – 1:11 Reduction in support for Community Childcare Subvention which will lead to increased costs to parents on low incomes (€100- €95). Increased costs of childcare for those on FAS/VEC Programmes of between €25-€15 due to a reduction in capitation to childcare providers.
Anti-Women and Children Budget Women’s organisations – Locally: €8million cut from the Local and Community Development Programme under which these 17 women’s centres are funded however detailed breakdown is not available – Nationally: National Women’s Council of Ireland cut by 35% which if it goes ahead puts the future of the organisation at risk.
Anti Women and Children Budget Health – €543- €800million cuts which will directly impact on women relying on the public health system – Prescription Charges: The changes to the drug payment scheme raising the threshold by €12 euro from €120 to €132 per month – Funding for Home Help cut Pensions – increased contributions required for Widows(er)’s Contributory pension
Anti Women and Children Budget Indirect taxation VAT increases Carbon Tax increases Property Tax increases
Choices Anti-Women’s Budget with no regard for women’s equality Balance between taxation and cuts to public expenditure needs to be reversed Ireland’s tax take is low by European and international standards Impact of the Budget needs to be assessed in terms of its impact on women