VET Business Co-operation Conference 24 April 2012 Workshop 3 Flexible pathways in VET and Validation of non-formal and informal learning promoting lifelong learning John O’Connor NQAI
Validation of Non Formal and Informal Learning in Ireland The Policy Context Cost Benefit Analysis Policy and Practice Stakeholders and Policy Options Other considerations
Policy Context National Skills Strategy Upskilling objectives Labour Market Activation Efficient use of education and training resources Flexible and relevant training for individuals and enterprise.
Cost Benefit Analysis Benefits For the Individual For the Enterprise For Government Costs Difficult to calculate Depend on validation instruments used €600 - €2000 per procedure Costs can decrease over time Who pays?
Policy and Practice No dedicated validation infrastructure Govt White Paper (2000) recommendation to establish independent assessment centres not implemented. NQAI, Quality Assurance bodies and Providers play a role in validation as it relates to qualifications Validation and the workplace
Stakeholders and Policy Options Variety of Actors and organisations involved Demand for validation Co-ordination and communication challenges Need to avoid largely ad hoc nature of validation practice. Policy options – range form ‘let the market decide’ to full mainstreaming of validation as a widely accepted practice, embedded in public policy. Ireland – future development likely to be incremental and iterative in terms of establishing ‘what works’ Long term priority requiring top down support and commitment and coordination across agencies and organisations
Other considerations... Quality Assurance Risk Management and Governance Improved data Interaction between stakeholders Thank You