NIAS/IASW Adult Mental Health Research Conference Human Rights and Mental Health in a family context The challenge for Social Workers 12 th October 2011
Mental Health & Children’s Services Project Think Child, Think Parent, Think Family NIAS/IASW Castleblayney Co. Monaghan Mary Donaghy 12 th October 2011
BACKGROUND O’Neill Inquiry March 2008 Learning from inquiry – 36 recommendations /18 themes –Communication and information sharing –Whole family assessment risk/supports –Comprehensive care and discharge planning
Mental Health & Children’s Services Project AIM Improve practice through enhanced collaborative working Better understanding of multi- disciplinary professionals’ roles and responsibilities
Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) Publication & launch of Guidance (July 2009) 6 Pilot Implementation Sites N Ireland Liverpool Southwark Lewisham North Somerset Birmingham Training & Development Resources National Evaluation Plan – 5 years SCIE Website – Families & Children SCIE Guide 30 Interim evaluation report
SCIE GUIDANCE – 9 RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Signposting and improving access to services 2.Screening 3.Assessment 4.Planning Care 5.Providing Care 6.Reviewing Care Plans 7.Strategic Approach 8.Workforce Development 9.Generating more evidence about what works
1. Child Mental Health and Development and Development 2. Adult Mental Health 4. Protective Factors and resources 4. Risks, stressors and vulnerability factors 3. Parenting & the Parent-ChildRelationship
Implications for Policy and Practice No wrong door Holistic approach to assessment Looking at needs of the family as a unit Providing support tailored to need Building on family strengths Manage risk to reduce impact
Northern Project Locality Team South Eastern Project Locality Team Social Care Institute of Excellence DHSSPS Health & Social Care Board Think Child, Think Parent, Think Family Project Board Southern Project Locality Team Western Project Locality Team Work Strea ms Belfast Project Locality Team Mental Health & Children’s Services Project (Think Child, Think Parent, Think Family) Structure
Workstreams Adult mental health (Acute & Community) Public Health Nursing (Health visiting, Community Paediatric Nursing, Community Nursing Learning Disability, School nurse and G.P.) Children’s Services (Gateway, Family Intervention Team, Children’s Disability, CAMHS) Acute Hospitals (A&E, Maternity, Children’s wards) Voluntary Organisations who support service users and carers (adult & children’s) Regional Educational (Regional)
Communication Links Monthly meeting with 5 Chairs of Project Locality Team Quarterly meetings with Directors (Trust) Links into existing forums in Trusts / Voluntary Organisations
Parents with mental health issues, their children and families Project Locality Teams SCIE Recommendations CONTACTWITHSERVICESCONTACTWITHSERVICES Bamford Task Group Hidden Harm Strategy Regional Risk Assessment Training Strategy Universities RQIA RIT Children’s Services Planning (NIFSS & SureStart) LCG’s PMSID DHSSPS Peri- Natal Forum SCIE OUTCOMESOUTCOMES Positive Improved Negative Poor Vol Orgs supporting Service users and carers PHA, Health Improvement & Well-being
PRODUCTS DEVELOPED Regional protocol for staff working at this interface Regional training strategy Strengthen UNOCINI Guidance (U nderstanding the Needs Of Children In Northern Ireland) “Are you thinking family” leaflets and posters Service User & Carer survey Staff survey
CHALLENGES Changing the culture of how we ‘think’ and practice Confidence to challenge other’s practice Manage early intervention/family support services Family model approach – Entry – Discharge Collaborative/Integrated working as priority - Statutory - Voluntary Service User involvement Sustainability
Progress to date Screening/Referral/Assessments amended across voluntary/statutory organisations (Rec 2&3) Planning, providing and reviewing care (Rec 4,5,6) to include family members and strengths within the family Improved collaborative working across organisations working at this interface Sharing of good practice Provision of information for Service Users and families (Regional Communication Group) Signposting for staff to access services (Regional Communication Group) Performance Indicators