OECD Thematic Review on Migrant Education Claire Shewbridge 12 May 2009
What policies will promote successful education outcomes for first and second generation migrants? Universal measures Targeted interventions OUTCOMES Access Participation Performance Early childhood education and care Primary education Lower secondary education Upper secondary education Transition to tertiary education
A collaborative review (1) 1.Countries provide background report to OECD with an overview of 1.General contextual information; quantitative data and research evidence 2.School policies and practices 3.Role of the community 4.Government policies and approaches 2.OECD visits each country to interview selected stakeholders to consolidate the evidence base 1.Statistical and research institutes 2.National and local authorities 3.Teacher training colleges 4.School visits 5.Parent associations; teacher unions 6.Non-governmental organisations
A collaborative review (2) 1.OECD drafts preliminary diagnosis of priority areas and possible policy options and visits each each country to consult with stakeholders to test 1.Feasibility; timeliness; sustainability; cost and robustness 2.OECD prepares country note 1.Priority areas; strengths/challenges and policy recommendations
Outputs so far Literature review What works in migrant education? Consolidating the research evidence (Deborah Nusche) Reducing segregation; allocating resources for migrant education; recruiting and retaining effective teachers for migrant education Language learning; Intercultural education; parental involvement in schools Country background reports for Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden Access – do immigrant students have the same opportunities to access quality education as their native peers? Participation – Do immigrant students participate (enrol and complete) as much as their native peers? Learning outcomes – Do immigrant students perform as well as their native peers?
Outputs so far Countries participating in the review highlighted various outcomes from the review so far Stimulate policy dialogue and discussion around evidence Establish networks of relevant stakeholders Identify many initiatives to improve migrant education Share information among countries Future outputs of the review Background information for Finland, Hungary, Korea and the United Kingdom International comparative report (December 2009) Analysis of international data sets OECD’s PISA and IEA’s PIRLS and TIMSS