From Solid Waste to Energy: A New Vision For Gainesville-Alachua County Dave Newport Cross Creek Initiative, Inc
Cross Creek Initiative, Inc CCI, a non-profit corporation Mission: to assist the public and private sectors in developing new concepts for defining the success of their operations. Projects: green construction, sustainability planning and leadership, biofuels
Biofuels from MSW Methane Solid biofuels
Composting costs too much? Rapid City SD: “The Cocompost Facility will extend the life of the landfill for approximately 30+ years and reduce the reliance on land needed to farm biosolids (which will relieve the city of having to buy an additional 1,110 acres of land). Selling the product offsets the cost of operating the facility –the facility uses no taxes to maintain operation.”
Composting costs too much? Tipping fees of $47 were lowered to $45 after the lower figure proved sufficient to sustain the facility’s budget needs.
Composting costs too much? A current tipping fee of $45/ton (at 135,000 tons/year), which, in conjunction with revenues from the sale of recyclables and finished compost, supports the city’s entire waste management operation, including capital outlay and debt service. (Projected revenues included $150, ,000 from the sale of recyclables, $75,000 from the sale of compost, and a $13.26 monthly average residential garbage fee.)
Compost-derived solid biofuel Biofuel Pricing Sensitivity FuelHeat valueEnergy UnitConversionPricePrice u n i t $/MM BTUs of Useable Heat Efficiency % Premium Wood Pellets8,000 6% moisture Propane90,000BTU/gal80$1.10gallon$15.27 Electricity3,415BTU/kwh95$0.08kwh$24.64 Oil #2138,000BTU/gal80$2.57gallon$14.90 Natural Gas1 MMBTU/therm80$13.50MCF$16.88 Coal (central Appalachia ) 12,500BTU/lb75$75ton$ % moisture80BTU/lb65$130cord$10.00 Average $17.61 Compost-derived biofuel6,500BTU/lb80$40.00ton$9.85 Compost-derived biofuel8,500BTU/lb80$50.00ton$9.41
Landfill vs. compost-biofuel Landfill pays three times to throw away money. Transfer Transport Tipping fee Compost-biofuel makes money on material you are paid to take. Local gov controls own destiny. Waste reduction, carbon-neutral operation is the responsible, leadership approach.
A new vision for Gainesville- Alachua County? Hedge against uncertainty in landfill costs, flow control, and operating costs. Be ahead of rising energy prices, climate change pressures. Shift from a solid waste mindset to a green energy mindset. Keep talking, bring community, staff, expertise together to explore emerging concepts, vision. Become a global leader.
From Solid Waste to Energy: A New Vision For Gainesville-Alachua County Dave Newport Cross Creek Initiative, Inc Thank you!