UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – A little bit on my background B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Electronics (Iran) M.Sc. in Energy Systems Engineering (Iran) Energy Management Analyst at IIES (Iran) 2008-Present Ph.D. in Economics (UHM) Since joined Econ PhD program in 2008: Research Assistant with UHERO/EGGS for Prof Konan on several energy, environmental, and economic research projects Third year student, almost done with program’s required coursework Started my own PhD research on Computational General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling for regional economies (Hawaii) APRIL 26, 2011
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – What is “EGGS”? APRIL 26, 2011 EGGS Vision: to be a fundamental resource for those seeking solutions to the overlapping challenges of energy, environment, and economics EGGS Mission: to analyze and tailor energy and climate change policy for Hawai‘i by assessing various technology options and the associated environmental and economic impacts Core goals of the project are to: 1.Engage in rigorous analysis that informs a global community of scholars. 2.Develop and maintain data and models on Hawai‘i energy, economy, and the resulting GHG emissions. 3.Develop energy, economic, and environmental solution-oriented analyses for legislators and the business community. 4.Design interactive education and outreach programs that integrate energy, environment, and economics for a variety of levels - K-20, as well as the general community. 5.Showcase Hawai‘i solutions that demonstrate a sustainable alternative for others.
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – My Involvement with EGGS [Sep 2008 – Present] APRIL 26, 2011 UHM Greenhouse Gas Emission Project (ACUPCC) Hawai'i GHG Emissions Profile 1990 and 2005 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Hawaii: Household and Visitor Analysis Greenhouse Impact of Energy Efficiency and Conservation in Hawai'i Hawaii Bioenergy Master Plan (HBMP) Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of GHG Emissions from Biofuel-based Electricity Production A Comparative Analysis of Energy Systems: Hawaii vs. US Honolulu Airport GHG Emissions Inventory Analysis of Emission Control Institutions (Carbon Tax, Cap and Trade or a Hybrid System) Hawai‘i Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Database (EGGED) Understanding and Communicating the Environmental Impacts of Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC) In Waikiki
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – Hawai'i GHG Emissions Profile 1990 and 2005 APRIL 26, 2011 Normalized rate of change with respect to total 1990 emissions under Act 234 (SLH 2007), 1990 to 2005 (%) Note: air and non-domestic marine are excluded
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – Hawaii Bioenergy Master Plan (HBMP) - Task 8 APRIL 26, 2011 Task 8: Financial incentives and barriers; and other funding sources The goal: To identify and evaluate financial incentives and barriers at points along the bioenergy production value chain and their potential impact on the production of biofuels at levels sufficient to contribute a significant renewable energy resource to the State of Hawai‘i. Key findings: 1.List of barriers from stakeholders’ point of view [End-users, Oil Refiners (Petroleum industry), Biofuels Producers (Biofuel production/Biorefinery), Feedstock growers] 2.Key economic threats to the viability of biofuels 3.List of existing and proposed incentives and programs for bioenergy industry, both in State and Federal levels 4.List of selected programs from other states and countries
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of GHG Emissions from Biofuel-based Electricity Production APRIL 26, 2011 Not published yet!
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of GHG Emissions from Biofuel-based Electricity Production APRIL 26, 2011 Not published yet!
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of GHG Emissions from Biofuel-based Electricity Production APRIL 26, 2011 Not published yet!
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – A Comparative Analysis of Energy Systems: Hawaii vs. US APRIL 26, 2011 Not published yet! But presented at PACON 2010
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – A Comparative Analysis of Energy Systems: Hawaii vs. US APRIL 26, 2011 Not published yet! But presented at PACON 2010
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – Hawai‘i Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Database (EGGED) APRIL 26, 2011 UHERO Data Portal:
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – Understanding and Communicating the Environmental Impacts of Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC) In Waikiki APRIL 26, 2011 Source: Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc. Technical Background on Traditional Air Conditioning vs. Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC) Background Research on Hawaii’s Energy Structure, Legislation, Initiatives
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – CGE Modeling APRIL 26, 2011 General Equilibrium Model of Hawai‘i’s Economy
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – Steps for CGE Modeling Project APRIL 26, Energy Data Collection 2.Data Verification by Cross-referencing and Meetings 3.Analyzing State’s 2005 IO Table 4.Alignment of 2005 energy data with 2005 IO table 5.Developing a 2005 CGE model for Hawaii 6.Scenario Development: Energy Efficiency SWAC Fuel/Carbon Tax 7.Model Modification (for each scenario) 8.Result Analysis
UHERO.HAWAII.EDU ©2011 IMAN NASSERI – MAHALO… Special Thanks to Sea Grant! and other UHERO EGGS sponsors Renewable Energy and Island Sustainability (REIS) International Center for Climate and Society (ICCS) Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) National Center for Science and Civil Engagement (SENCER) Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation Science Education for New Civic Engagement and Responsibilities (SENCER) Michael Saalfeld APRIL 26, 2011