ETUC resolution on wages Reject a strategy based on reduction of purchasing power of workers Earmark part of economic growth for a wage policy, increasing real wages.
What is actually happening ? first indicatio ns German – 2% France Belgium Spain – 3 Neth1% Finland/ austria 2.3/2.5
What is actually happening
What is actually happening ? 2005Negotiated payInflation Germany0 – 21.3 France1.8 (public sector) 1.9 NetherlandsAround 11.3 AustriaAround Belgium2.252 Spain2 -3 % but 0.5 over inflation 2.9 Finland2.51.1
What is actually happening ? Ireland Italy3.2% -3.7 (banking,public sect, representative figure ?) 2%
ETUC resolution on working time No general increase in working hours Certainly no (general) increase in unpaid working hours No unilateral use of flexibility by companies, only trade unions and employer organisations to decide ultimately on company deviations from sectoral frameworks
ETUC – note February 2005 ‘Myths and facts about working longer hours in Europe’ argues unpaid longer working hours remains exception rather than the rule Can this not be confirmed ? Do trade unions remain in the ‘driving seat’ or are they passed by ‘unknown’ enterprise agreements, (small) employers outside the sectoral convention,…??? What is actually happening ?
ETUC resolution on worker’s rights Gender equality Contuing training What is actually happening ? So far, no new important agreements/initiatives ?
ETUC resolution on strenghtening our coordination activities Improve web site (acces to real time information) Improve newsletter Improve questionnaires