Submitted by Ashraf K Asst. Professor Downloaded from Application of ZYCOSIL soil on pavements Submitted by Ashraf K Asst. Professor
Downloaded from Introduction Water intrusion in building materials has been a problem for the last 1000 years Fortunately, new developments in science and technology have incorporated the use of nanotechnology to produce eco-friendly, organo silicon products that can render most materials hydrophobic for cycles of 20 to 30 years at a very economical cost
Downloaded from Zycosil is new generation of nanotechnology, which has been developed for waterproofing and has UV resistance, thermal resistance, and an ability to withstand the wind erosion due to its nano-size and penetrative power
Water- the great destroyer Downloaded from Water- the great destroyer Moisture damage is caused by a loss of adhesion, commonly referred to as “stripping” aggregate surface or a loss of cohesion within the binder itself, resulting in a reduction in stiffness Heavy traffic on a moisture-weakened pavement can result in premature rutting or fatigue cracking . The presence of moisture can also accelerate the formation of potholes
Water repellents Resistance to water intrusion Downloaded from Water repellents Resistance to water intrusion Prevention of water-soluble salts, particularly chloride salts Penetration of repellent treatment to a measurable depth Long-term stability in an alkaline environment Low environmental and health risk UV stability (20+ years)
Types of water repellents Downloaded from Types of water repellents Film formers: These film formers have a particle size greater than 100 nm, which will not allow them to penetrate inside the pores of the building materials but instead form a film covering and protecting the surface from water absorption Failure of film formers: - Blocks breathability Life of only 2 – 5 years
Failure of penetrants: - Flammability High cost Toxic VOC solvents Downloaded from Penetrants: they are solvent based, soluble monomeric materials less than 6 ηm in size which can easily penetrate inside the pores and sub-branches of the pores. Failure of penetrants: - Flammability High cost Toxic VOC solvents
Zycosil nanotechnology Downloaded from Zycosil nanotechnology Any technology based on particles size less than 10 ηm is considered Nano Technology Zycosil molecule when dissolved in solvent has estimated size of 3-6 ηm.
Zycosil – the chemical action Downloaded from Zycosil – the chemical action Downloaded from Most pavement materials contain hydroxyl (OH) groups. These OH groups can chemically react with alkoxy groups of Silane to form permanent, mother nature’s strongest siloxane bonds. These types of products impart water repellency by modifying surface characteristics from hydrophilic to hydrophobic.
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Downloaded from Four major attributes
Downloaded from Features of zycosil Permanent water repellent layer on all types of soils, aggregates and other inorganic road construction materials The technology addresses the critical subsurface drainage problems in road making and repairs Zycosil’s reactive bonding ability with the aggregates and asphalt helps to eliminate stripping of aggregates t a great extent
Advantages of using zycosil Downloaded from Advantages of using zycosil In subgrade & GSB Maintaining CBR value Reduction of Soil Plasticity Maintaining Breathability In stone base course In surface layers
Limitations of zycosil Downloaded from Limitations of zycosil Adverse effects of the solvent used- ethylene glycol A lot of precautions to be taken More effective on pre-existing cracks than cracks which occur after the application It cannot be applied if: Ambient temperature is below 10º C or above 50ºC Rain is expected within 2 hours following the application. Precipitation has occurred within 24 hours prior to application. High winds or other conditions prevent proper application and overspray that may have an adverse effect on surrounding materials
Applications Construction of pavements incorporating usage of zycosil Downloaded from Applications Construction of pavements incorporating usage of zycosil
Downloaded from Maintanence Unpaved aggregate roads: - Saturate the aggregate-soil surface including 2 meters each on both sides of the road with diluted Zycosoil solution @ 3-L/M2. Black topped roads: - Spray diluted Zycosoil solution @ 1.5- L/M2 on black top, shoulder and slope. Sun dry for 2-3 hours and check for water repellency by drilling a hole in the soil area Repairs Potholes Cracks
Standard testing methods Downloaded from Standard testing methods Rilem Test Accelerated weathering Water uptake test
Downloaded from Treated land Untreated land
Zycosil Demonstration - Sand.avi Downloaded from Zycosil Demonstration - Sand.avi
Conclusion Sustainability “Cradle to cradle” design Zero pollution Downloaded from Conclusion Downloaded from Sustainability “Cradle to cradle” design Zero pollution Innovation Viability
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