Associates Fernanda Prazeres : Shared Vision Oscar Barbosa : Mitigation Provi Caraballo : Adaptation Julianne Prokopich : Transfer & Finance
Long-Term Cooperative Action
Shared Vision Long-term reduction target Push for a 60% reduction target by 2050 for developed countries only Means to achieve long-term goals Stress importance of relaxing intellectual property rights for energy efficiency technology Renewable Energy Pressure for extinction of trade barriers on biofuel
Preventing the worst
The Scenarios
Mitigation Response to the post-industrialization emissions and climate change Involves the adoption of measures and policies to prevent climate change from affecting our lives in the future Changing the consumption and environmental practices across the world will directly change the culture and current practices, preventing global warming and further emissions.
Mitigation and Historical responsibilities Annex I countries shall: aim to an absolute reduction in the emissions Find clear mitigation commitments, Finance and promote technological mechanisms to aid Annex II countries in Environmental Efforts. Countries shall contribute to the solution in direct proportion to their contribution to the problem. Annex II countries shall, reduce emissions according to nationally appropriate actions, Annex II countries shall carry due diligence to promote environmental practices, and a “green” culture, minding on sustainable development
Adaptation Developing countries face the highest costs regarding its impacts. Barriers that hinder adaptation: knowledge gaps, impediments to information flows relevant for adaptation decisions and insufficient resources for building adaptive capacity and translating it into action in developing countries.
Adaptation The establishment of national and regional centers for adaptation planning. The establishment of national climate change committees for adaptation, similar to the “ozone units” created by the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol. Financing for adaptation should be considerably increased in order to redress the balance in the allocation of funds under the climate change regime.
Development Mechanisms
Development and Transfer of ESTs: Five Key Elements Technology Information Capacity Building Enabling Environments Technology Transfer Needs Assessment Financial and Institutional Mechanisms
Financing Mechanisms Expand the carbon market Private and public investors Auction of allowances for emissions Purchase credits with cash and by way of EST transfer Update the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Reward joint technological development and transnational emission reductions Divide emission credits: 1:3 ratio Reduce emissions by at least 3% from the previous year