FIVE CORE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR ESTATES FIVE CORE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR ESTATES 1 To Strategically Manage our Estates Assets 1 To Strategically Manage our Estates Assets 3 To Manage Estates Staff Effectively and Promote Wellbeing 3 To Manage Estates Staff Effectively and Promote Wellbeing 2 To Manage and Promote Environmental sustainability 2 To Manage and Promote Environmental sustainability 5 To Effectively Maintain the Physical Condition of the Estate 5 To Effectively Maintain the Physical Condition of the Estate 4 To Support Institutional Activities and Manage a Safe, Clean and Secure Campus 4 To Support Institutional Activities and Manage a Safe, Clean and Secure Campus To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs Effective Estates Policies, Processes and Management Information Supported by
ESTATES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1 To Strategically Manage our Estates Assets Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page How we will achieve this objective : By maintaining a current and relevant Estate Strategy By preparing Master plans/Development plans for all main sites By working towards a sustainable estate (environmental, financial, conditional, functional) By optimising the physical development potential of our estate By identifying opportunities from our estate that add value to the University By delivering estate projects approved in the institutional 10-year investment plan. Click here to see Objective 1 Targets To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page ESTATES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2 To Manage Environmental Sustainability How we will achieve this objective: By promoting consciousness of, and policies supporting, environmental sustainability By using targets to Improve the Universitys Environmental Performance By assessing and reducing the Universitys Carbon Footprint/Emissions By Monitoring, measuring and reporting Click here to see Objective 2 Targets (a) Click here to see Objective 2 Targets (b) To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page ESTATES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3 To Manage Estates Staff Effectively and Promote Wellbeing How we will achieve this objective: By communication By performance management and effective leadership By setting learning and development priorities By effective recruitment and induction By promoting a good safety culture By team building By encouraging a work/life balance Click here to see Objective 3 Targets To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page ESTATES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4 To Support Institutional Activities and Manage a Safe, Clean and Secure Campus How we will achieve this objective: By delivering an effective and efficient service By raising awareness of Support Services and its activities By communication By managing staff effectively By delivering a value for money service By strengthening existing relationships within Estates and the wider University community By Promoting safety on campus to staff and students. Click here to see Objective 4 Targets To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page ESTATES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5 To Effectively Maintain the Physical Condition of the Estate How we will achieve this objective : By reviewing, developing and improving the planned and re-active maintenance By ensuring staff are effectively and adequately trained By maximising value for money maintenance By managing staff effectively By strengthening operational relationships within the Estates Section and with the wider University community. Click here to see Objective 5 Targets To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
December 2007 Ongoing Meet key dates A - 10%, B - 75%, C - 15% Completion Sep 2010 Completion Jan 2009 Completion Dec 2008 Completion Jun 2008 Completion Dec 2008 Completion Oct 2008 Objective 1 ActionsTargets Produce revised Estate Strategy……………………………………………………….…..……… Produce Master plans by end 2007 ………………………………………………………..……… Ensure all new developments optimise land available in line with Master plans …………….. Ensure Development Plan and Financial Appraisal for the future development of Hillhead.... Actively acquire, dispose and lease assets to meet objectives …… ………..…..……… Maintain a level of investment to address backlog maintenance ……………… …..…… Engage with Local Plan, Structure Plan and National Planning Frameworks …… ….. Produce revised Building Condition Report …………………………………………….….……… Improve and maintain buildings to RICS* Condition Categories A, B & C ………….…….…… Deliver the following projects within approved budgets, programmes and to agreed quality: Library …………………………………………………………………… …..…… Matthew Hay ……………………………………………………………………….….……..… Regional Sports Facility ……………………………………………………….….….…..…… Fraser Noble Building ……………………………………………………………..………..… Life Sciences Innovation ………………………………….…………………… …… Zoology Building ………………………………………….………………………..……..…… Oceanlab …………………………………………………….………………….….………...… * Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Click here to return to Objective 1 Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page March 2008 December 2007 Ongoing October 2007 Ongoing Meet key dates July 2008 A-10%, B-75%, C-15% Completion Sep 2010 Completion Jan 2009 Completion Apr 2009 Completion Dec 2008 Completion Jun 2008 Completion Dec 2008 Completion Oct 2008 To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Objective 2 Actions (a)Targets Quarterly Newsletters, organise events, maintain website and notice boards with current information ……………………………………………………………………………..………………. Develop Environmental Champion Initiative and recruit 20 volunteers …………………………. Strengthen existing operational relationships within the Estates Section and with the wider University community ……………………………………………………………..………………….. Provide ad hoc guidance and support to staff and students in response to specific questions ……………………………………………………………………………………….……… Production of policy guidance documentation with targets for each of the following elements: Energy, Water, Waste, Biodiversity, Travel, Sustainable Buildings ………………….……..…… Train up an in-house BREEAM* assessor …………………………………………..………………. Work in partnership with local organisations e.g. ACC** and First ……………………………… Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method **Aberdeen City Council Hold 4 events in 2007 June 2007 Ongoing July 2007 August 2008 Ongoing Click here to return to Objective 2 Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Objective 2 Actions (b)Targets Energy: Reduce carbon emissions arising from energy use Meet or better the Kyoto protocol targets to reduce carbon emissions from 1990 levels ………………………………………………………………………..…….…………. Reduce carbon emissions in line with EU-ETS* allocations …………………..….…….……. Monitor and Record consumption ……………………………………………….……………… Report on consumption …………………………………………………...……….…………….. Water: Reduce consumption from 2006/07 levels by 2010 ……………………….….……..….. Monitor and Record consumption …………………………………………………....………… Report on consumption ……………………………………………………………..…………… Waste: Reduce waste from 2006/07 levels by 2010 ……………………………….….………… Reuse of waste from 2006/07 levels by 2010 ……………………………………..…….……. Recycle/Compost waste from 2006/07 levels by 2010 ……………………………..………… Monitor and Record Waste Arisings ………………………………………..………...………… Report on Waste Arisings …………………………………………………….………..……….. Biodiversity – Produce University Biodiversity Action Plan ……………………………..………. Produce draft Travel Plan ………………………………………………………………….……….. Conduct Travel Survey ………………………………………………………………….……….. Over 3 years: Reduce the number of single occupant car journeys ………………………………….……… Increase the commuter walking within 2 miles of the University ……………………….……. Increase the number of cycle journeys …………………………………….……………….….. Reduce business mileage ………………………………………………..…………………..….. Increase use of public transport ……………………………………………………………..…. * European Union – Emissions Trading Scheme Click here to return to Objective 2 Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page 2010 by 5.2% and 2050 by 60% Ongoing Monthly Annually By 2% Monthly Annually By 5% By 2% By 20% Monthly Annually March 2008 July 2007 February 2008 By 10% By 20% By 10% To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Objective 3 ActionsTargets Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page Promote Sections ambition to provide a sustainable, safe, and quality infrastructure and environment to meet the Universitys needs ………………………..……….……………. Communicate Estates Operational Plan to all Section staff ……………………..…....……… Team Meetings – Generate discussion and promote feedback …….………..…..………….. Increase senior management visibility ……………………………………...….....…….……… Management skills training for existing Line Managers (including recruitment) ……….…… Management skills training for newly appointed Line Managers (including recruitment)..... Comply with Universitys sickness absence policy ………………………………….…..…….. Recognise staff for effort and high performance ………………………………….…………… Provide regular, balanced (good and bad) feedback …………………………………………. Appraisals and Training Needs Analysis …………………………….……………….………… Set individual training targets …………………………………………………… ……… Develop Estates Induction Pack …………………………………………………..…….………. Fully develop and implement Health & Safety systems ……………..…… …….……… Staff involvement in Health & Safety …………………………………………..……….…..…… Team activities both within & outwith the workplace …………………………..….………...… Promote a healthy lifestyle - seek input from Occupational Health/Human Resources …... Discourage long hours culture ………………………………………………………..……….. Investigate flexible working where possible ……………………………..…………...………… Click here to return to Objective 3 Section Meeting Sept 2007 July 2007 Ongoing Weekly/Monthly Regular walkabouts March 2008 Immediate Maximise attendance Ongoing Ongoing and at Appraisal Annual October 2007 February 2008 Ongoing As appropriate To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Objective 4 ActionsTargets Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page By reviewing the effectiveness and efficiency of existing processes and procedures and identifying areas that can be improved …………………………………………..…….. By consultation, agreement and introduction of improvements ………………………...… By introducing customer audits and feedback where possible ………………………..…. By use of formal and informal meetings, regular walkabouts and meeting staff at their place of work ………………………………………………………..…………………….…… By implementing standard Estates Staff Management practices ……………..…………. By carrying out benchmarking exercises against external providers and sector peer groups …………………………………………………………………….……………………. By ad hoc attendance at College meetings and making contact with the building managers ………………………………………………………………………………………. By the use of the web page, student information publications, safety pamphlets ……… By monitoring and recording crime statistics form internal sources ……………………… By reporting crime statistics form internal recording and external agency sources ……. Click here to return to Objective 4 Feb 2008 July 2008 Feb 2008 Ongoing Feb 2008 Ongoing To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs
Objective 5 ActionsTargets Click here to return to the Estates Strategy Main Page Establish milestones that lead to objectives and goals by: Auditing working procedures ………………………………………………………………. Reviewing effectiveness ……………………………………………………………………. Consulting, agreeing and introducing improvements …………………………...………. Extend staff appraisal system ………………………………………………………………… Develop people individually and as a team to ensure effectiveness ……………………… Train line managers in management skills …………………………………………………... Continue to tender specialist services and term contracts ………………………………… Benchmark against sector peer group …………………………………………….…………. Ensure that all projects minimise their long term maintenance requirements by incorporating appropriate designs, specifications and materials ……………….…………. Audit, review and develop processes to ensure that adequate staff and resources are available ……………………………………………………………………………….………… Communicate effectively with all parties involved ………………………………….……….. Ensure team/group meetings are arranged and attended at regular intervals ….……….. Encourage team activities …………………………………………………………….……….. Click here to return to Objective 5 Annual Report Annually December 2007 April 2008 Ongoing July 2008 Ongoing Dec 2007 then annually Ongoing Weekly/Monthly Ongoing To Provide a Sustainable, Safe and Quality Infrastructure and Environment to meet the University's Needs