Interim Evaluation March 2013 NCBI Ireland
Achievements against the work plan The initial phase of agreeing a curriculum structure was achieved at the first meeting and has been further refined by exchanges during January and February, The responsibility for each section of the curriculum has been agreed
Achievements against the work plan Visio has provided information about the course that they have developed BFW has collated comments on the raw curriculum and provided initial guidance on the use of ICF terminology which was an issue raised in the Dueren meeting.
Achievements against the work plan Partners have clarified transitions between units and produced outlines of the units for which they are responsible. Following exchanges the project Flyer has been agreed and is now with the printers. The project is established on the Enviter web site although at this early stage in the project has limited content.
Achievements against the work plan There is general agreement about the need for curriculum material to be presented in a lively and interesting way but issues about the software to be used have yet to be resolved. Overall the project has met the objectives established for this stage as outlined in the work plan.
Partnership arrangements Most partners are familiar with each other’s organisations though the ENVITER network This has helped to quickly develop teamwork and made it easier to understand each others way of working.
Partnership arrangements All partners have communicated regularly with each other and have contributed to: planning the curriculum co-ordinating the sections into a coherent whole designing the flyer.
Partnership arrangements The project so far has been marked by constructive criticism which has led to a steady process of adjustment and improvement.
management of the project BFW Dueren has ensured a regular flow of information to partners, keeping colleagues focused on the workplan and reminding partners of the financial implications of options, for example, in the software to be used
management of the project The project management has been responsive to ideas and suggestions from partners, updating the curriculum in line with sugestions from colleagues.
Financial management The first quarter financial reports should have been received by BFW Dueren but information is not yet available to assess whether actual expenditure patterns are in line with planned expenditure.
Organisation of meetings The feedback from the first meeting was generally positive but some difficulties were experienced. Partners had different perceptions of how best to make progress. This was resolved over the three meeting sessions.
Organisation of meetings One issue was working on a conceptually difficult topic in English, a second or third language for participants. Some of the problems of terminology have been dealt with since the meeting.
Organisation of meetings Uncertainty over language may account for the feeling that colleagues were not able to contribute to the meeting as freely as they would have liked.