By: Bailey Willis
Most employers require forestry technicians to have at least an associate degree in forestry technology. However, since this is a competitive field, those with additional education, such as a bachelor’s degree, will have more opportunities available to them. Programs in forestry and forestry technology are available at technical institutes and 2-year and 4-year colleges across the country. Programs focus on biology, botany, land surveying, resource management, wildlife conservation, and other related subjects. It generally takes 2 years to complete an associate degree and 4 years to earn a bachelor’s degree.
Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English/Language Arts English/Language Arts IEnglish/Language Arts IIEnglish/Language Arts IIIEnglish/Language Arts IV Math Algebra I Geometry Algebra II or Other math course Trigonometry or Other math course Science Earth or Environmental Science Biology Chemistry or Other science course Physics or Other science course Social Studies/Sciences State History Civics U.S. History World History Career & Technical Courses Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Introduction to Natural Resources and the Environment Advanced Natural Resources and Environmental Systems Research in Natural Resources and Biotechnology Internship in Natural Resources
Work on disease and insect control and fire prevention Plan and schedule tree cutting, and supervise access road construction Help prepare areas for tree planting, and plant seedlings Conduct research into the age and health of forests Exact duties depend on the employer
Work for government agencies, logging companies, and private corporations such as timber buyers Spend time outdoors in forests and indoors in offices Travel from site to
Physically fit and strong Hand-eye coordination Communication skills Analytical An interest in forests
Working outdoors in any weather Like Being physically active and on your feet Like Working with plants Improving or managing the environment Like Planning how work is to be carried out Keeping accurate records or reports Providing information Traveling around locally from place to place