Expunge (vb.) To erase, obliterate, destroy The criminal tried to expunge all the incriminating evidence before the police arrived.
Omniscient (adj.) Knowing everything If I were omniscient about everything, I wouldn’t have to come to school any more.
Panacea (n.) Remedy for all ills; a cure-all Some people think that Advil is the panacea for all pains.
Diffident (adj.) Shy, lacking self-confidence, modest Don’t be diffident! You can definitely do better!
Pungent (adj.) Causing a sharp sensation, biting smell or taste (figuratively) caustic, poignant His friend’s pungent remarks made her lose self-esteem.
Temerity (n.) Reckless rashness, boldness, imprudence They adventured into the jungle with temerity.