Unit 1B Vocabulary
efface (v.) Definition: To wipe out Synonyms: to blot out, erase, expunge Antonyms: preserve, establish
muddle (v.) Oops!! Definition: Synonyms: To make a mess of To jumble, to mess up Oops!! Antonyms: To clear up, explain
muddle (n.) Definition: Synonyms: A hopeless mess Confusion, disorder Antonyms: Orderliness, neatness
opinionated (adj.) Definition: Stubborn and unreasonable Having a closed mind Synonyms: Pig-headed, inflexible, obstinate Antonyms: Reasonable, open-minded
perennial (adj.) Definition: Synonyms: Lasting for a long time Persistent Synonyms: Enduring, recurring Antonyms: Brief, short-lived, fleeting
perennial (n.) Definition: Synonyms: A plant that lives for many years Annual
predispose (v.) Definition: To incline to beforehand Antonyms: Synonyms: To make susceptible to Tending to, liable to Antonyms: immunize against, shield from
relinquish (v.) Definition: To let go, give up Antonyms: Synonyms: To surrender Antonyms: To hold on to, keep, cling to
salvage (v.) Definition: To save from fire or shipwreck Antonyms: Synonyms: To recover, retrieve, reclaim Antonyms: To abandon, scrap, junk
salvage (n.) Definition: Property saved
spasmodic (adj.) Synonyms: Definition: Occasional, irregular Sudden and violent but brief Intermittent Synonyms: Occasional, irregular Antonyms: Continuous, steady, chronic
spurious (adj.) Definition: Not genuine, not true, not valid Synonyms: Bogus, fraudulent, false, counterfeit Antonyms: Bona fide, valid, genuine, authentic
unbridled (adj.) Synonyms: Definition: Unchecked, uncontrolled Lacking in restraint Synonyms: Unchecked, uncontrolled Antonyms: Held in check, muted, restrained