Ms. Rola’s 11 th Grade English Class 1. Please sit in your seat. 2. Take out a pencil/pen (no red ink). 3. Take out a piece of lined paper for vocabulary.
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Kindred() noun Definition: a group of persons related to another; family, tribe, or race. Relationship by birth or descent, or sometimes by marriage; kinship. She enjoyed attending the family reunion and meeting many kindred people. Syn: allied, ancestor, connection, related Ant: disconnected, unrelated
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Labyrinth() noun Definition: an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit. He searched through the labyrinth of his bedroom to find his cleat to play soccer. Syn: maze, morass, tangle Ant: order, organization
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Malice () noun Definition: desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness. The customer's malice toward the store owner was demonstrated when she knocked over his store displays. Syn: animosity, grudge, hositility, malevolence, spite Ant: benevolence, goodwill, kindness
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Nationalism() noun Definition: national spirit or aspirations; devotion and loyalty to one's own nation. Nations whose nationalism is destroyed are subject to ruin. Syn: allegiance, loyalty, patriotism Ant: unbias
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Obliterate() verb Definition: to remove or destroy all traces of; do away with; destroy completely. After the game the football team will obliterate the pizza buffet. Syn: annihilate, expunge, exterminate Ant: build, construct, create
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Palatable() adj. Definition: acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste; acceptable or agreeable to the mind or feelings. Despite the unpleasant smell, the exotic cheese was quite palatable. After the stressful day at work the woman decided that a bubble bath would be quite palatable and a great way to end the day. Syn: appetizing, delicious, savory Ant: bitter, disagreeable, distasteful
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Quadrant() noun Definition: one of four equal parts Divide an index card into four quadrants. The young boy correctly plotted the information in the negative quadrant on his graph paper. Syn: division, part, section, term Ant:
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Rabble() noun Definition: a disorderly crowd; mob. The nobility held the rabble in complete contempt. Syn: crowd, gang, mob, multitude, riffraff, throng Ant:
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Sanction() noun Definition: authoritative permission or approval, as for an action; something that serves to support an action, condition, etc. Something that gives binding force, as to an oath, rule of conduct, etc. The United States placed an economic sanction against Iran for its continuing research into nuclear weaponry. Syn: allow, authorization, penalty, permit Ant: disapprove, prevention, refusal
Unit 1 – Vocabulary # ) Taut() adj. Definition: tightly drawn; tense; not slack; emotionally or mentally strained or tense His outward appearance was calm, but inside he was very taut. The line holding the boat to the dock became very taut during the storm. Syn: rigid, tense, tight, stressed Ant: droopy, flabby, loose, slack