Vocabulary Level E Unit 4
ascertain Verb: to find out (syn) discover, determine, establish
bequeath Verb: to give or pass on as an inheritance (syn) bestow, hand down, transmit
converge Verb: to move toward one point, approach nearer together (syn) meet, unite, intersect, merge
disperse Verb: to scatter, spread far and wide (syn) break up. dispel School is out 2:22 Police disperses crowd
esteem Verb: to regard highly Noun: a highly favorable opinion or judgment (syn) (verb) respect, admire, honor, revere
invulnerable Adj.: not able to be wounded or hurt; shielded against attack (syn) immune, impervious, impregnable Fort Knox
scrupulous Adj.: exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled (syn) meticulous conscientious
skulk Verb: to move about stealthily; to lie in hiding (syn) lurk, prowl
supercilious Adj.: proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority (syn) snobbish, patronizing, overbearing
Adj.: easily excused; pardonable (syn) excusable, forgivable venial Adj.: easily excused; pardonable (syn) excusable, forgivable
Mortal sin
omniscient Omniscient Point Of view
affiliated Cole Hamel