Connecting with Industry Heather M Wallace Industrial Liaison Group Medical Sciences and Medicine
Our credentials Heather Wallace Chair of Industry Liaison Group Co-organiser of bio-business teaching Learned societies Royal College of Pathologists; British Toxicology Society; Biochemical Society External Examiner currently University of Surrey (MSc); University of Glasgow (BSc Med Sci) Links with top 10 pharma via research & teaching GSK; AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Sanofi Aventis
Our credentials Andy Porter Founding academic – Haptogen, Remedios Board director, investor in Scottish biotech BIA Executive steering committee LSA Executive steering committee SSAC – advisor to Scottish Government Consultant to SDI, EI and Wyeth Inc
Overview Industrial Liaison Group (ILG) Remit Aspirations Changes to degrees Why? Additional products Industrial placement With Bio-Business
Industrial Liaison Group Remit Support industrial placement for Medical Science students Expand placement opportunities Liaise with Industry Inform our degree content Industrial Liaison Advisory Board Increase employability Raise the profile of Aberdeen degrees First or second choice of all Scottish school leavers
Raising the profile of Aberdeen degrees What can we offer that is different? Optional extras Bio-business, industrial placements, education Improve the basic skills set of our graduates What do employers want? Graduates with high quality skills – transferable Relevant experience Solid scientific knowledge base What do students want? A career with long term potential
What options can we offer that are different? All our medical science degrees with industrial placement Increases student choice High quality knowledge based degree Relevant experience – compete in job market All our medical science degrees with Bio-business Unique to Aberdeen Increases employability Broadens career opportunities – PhD to MBA
New degree - MSci degree Currently no credit given for 5 year degree BSc (hons) with industrial placement Rebadge our industrial placement MSci Offer as 4 or 5 year degree Credits given for year out More attractive to students
Medical science degrees with Bio-Business All degrees in medical sciences offered with Bio-business option Level 1 or 2 Introduction to Bio-Business (10 credits) Level 3 Bio-Business (15 credits) Level 4 Advanced Bio-Business (20 credits) MBA in Biotechnology In development with the Business School (and Law School)
How is this different? Enhancing our degree programmes Empowering our graduates Focussing scientific talent Geared for employment Achieving new potential Facilitating new innovation Sustainable Science Scientists in the business world Evidence based thinking
Attributes for high quality science graduates Scientific knowledge High quality knowledge and understanding of scientific principles – grounded with understanding of real world issues Practical skills Experience of laboratory research Honours year lab project (10 weeks) 1 year full placement MSci, 5 years Summer placement projects (6-12 weeks) Scientific data handling, analysis and report writing. Mathematics and Statistics Good communication and presentation skills written and oral – scientists and non-scientists IT literacy
Attributes valued by Industry A good honours degree - subject specific pharmacology, physiology, biotechnology, genetics, biochemistry Good, basic laboratory competence Experience of working in a lab lab project, summer vacation projects, industrial placements Good communication skills written and oral. Motivation to work in industry Desire to lead research – understanding of industry model Flexibility IT literacy Excellent team working skills
What do students want? Employment Using their science knowledge & background To be valued for their contribution Have the skills to compete in the job market Transferable skills, teamworking Understand the market Avoid the glass ceiling
How are we addressing these needs? Maintaining the strong scientific base High quality science graduates Grounded, well-rounded and scientifically worldly Questioning, analytical, empowered Increasing graduate opportunities Offering new or additional products Specialised training opportunities Business focus
Win, win for students and University Industry engaging with University Students engaging with Industry Employability Business Skills Compete in marketplace Innovation IP Grant income
Make Aberdeen graduate a recognised brand All our graduates will be: Scientifically excellent Scientifically current Critical and analytical Evidence based Great communicators Confident and enthusiastic Commercially aware Our goal