Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement Annual Conference 31 of May 2010 in Vienna Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub CEOC International
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 2 CEOC’s Interest in Standardisation in the Field of Conformity Assessment 1.Standards for conformity assessment bodies (CABs) have an high impact on the activities of CEOC members as testing, inspection and certification bodies 2.The participation of CEOC in the development of standards for CABs is therefore of crucial importance 3.CEOC’s involvement has a long tradition - beginning with the development of the series by CEN/CENELEC TC 1 and continued with the ISO/CASCO activities in developing the series 4.Today ISO/CASCO has the leadership – adopted by regional and national standardisation organisations 5.CEOC can directly participate as liaison member of CASCO and of CEN/CENELEC TC 1 and indirectly through CEOC members in national standardisation organisations
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 3 The World of Standards has three Levels 1.International – Leading organisations: ISO – multi-discipline and cross-sector IEC – electrotechnology ITU – telecommunications 2.Regional – e.g. CEN / CENELEC 3.National – e.g. AFNOR, BSI, DIN, ASI
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 4 The ISO System members / 98% of world GDP / 97% of world population 2.Collection of nearly ISO Standards active Technical Committees 4.About technical bodies (working groups etc) experts 6.Central Secretariat in Geneva
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 5 ISO/CASCO – The Conformity Assessment Committee of ISO ISO members are represented in CASCO (71 participating, 38 observers) 2.16 international organisations are A-liaison members of CASCO – among others CEOC, Eurolab, IIOC, IFIA, IAF, ILAC 3.CASCO Plenary Meeting once a year – highest decision making committee 4.Chairman’s Policy and Coordination Group (CPC) 5.Strategic Alliance and Regulatory Group (STAR) – Promotion 6.Technical Interface Group (TIG) – Technical support 7.Working Groups (WG) – Technical work, e.g. WG 31 for Inspection
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 6 The CASCO Toolbox 1.The CASCO toolbox consists of 27 documents covering: 2.Vocabulary, principles and common elements of conformity assessment 3.Code of good practice 4.Product, system, and persons certification 5.Testing, calibration, inspection, marks of conformity 6.Supplier’s declaration of conformity, accreditation, peer assessment, and mutual recognition arrangements
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 7 Most important Standards for CABs (extract from the CASCO Road Map) - I CASCO Document / former EN StandardsYear of Systematic Review Expected Year of Publication ISO/IEC Vocabulary and general principles / EN ISO/IEC General requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies 2013 ISO/IEC General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection / EN Under revision 2011 ISO/IEC Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems / EN ISO/IEC Requirements for third party certification auditing of management systems New2010 ISO/IEC TS Minimum requirements and additional recommendations for content of a third-party audit report on management systems New2012
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 8 Most important Standards for CABs (extract from the CASCO Road Map) - II CASCO Document / former EN StandardsYear of Systematic Review Expected Year of Publication ISO/IEC General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons / EN Under revision 2011 ISO/IEC General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories / EN ISO/IEC General requirements for third-party marks of conformity 2014 ISO/IEC Requirements for bodies providing certification of products, services and processes / EN Under revision (former Guide 65) 2011 ISO/IEC Fundamentals of product certificationUnder revision (former Guide 67) 2011
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 9 CASCO Standards Development Process 1.After the decision to review an existing standard or to develop a new standard: 2.CASCO establish a Working Group (WG) which is responsible for the development of the standard 3.ISO/CASCO P (Participating) Members can nominate experts to the WG 4.A-Liaison members can nominate experts to the WG 5.WG group members act as independent experts not as national delegates 6.The WG develops at first a Working Draft (WD) 7.It evolves into a Committee Draft (CD) document 8.The CD goes to member bodies for comments and voting 9.At this stage no longer the experts but the national consensus comments or A-Liaison members comments 10.Next step is a Draft International Standard (DIS) and then as last step a Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) 11.After a positive voting on the FDIS the Standard is published
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 10 CASCO Interpretation Process 1.Questions on interpretation of clauses in CASCO standards 2.A liaison members (e.g. CEOC) are also entitled to forward questions 3.Interpretation panel – CPC members and experts 4.Publishing after positive voting
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 11 Development of ISO/IEC “Inspection Bodies” as Example for CEOC’s Involvement - I 1.Developed by CEN/CENELEC/TC1 “Criteria for conformity assessment bodies” as EN Convenor of the responsible working group was a representative of a CEOC member (Dr. Reuter/VdTÜV) 3.EN published in One of the aims: support of the introduction of the conformity assessment procedures specified in the EC Council decision concerning the modules 5.Taken over by CASCO in a fast track procedure as ISO/IEC 17020:1998 which was published in 2004 as EN ISO/IEC Chair of the responsible CASCO working group was a representative from SAFed
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 12 Development of ISO/IEC “Inspection Bodies” as Example for CEOC’s Involvement - II 7.EN ISO/IEC was published as “harmonised standard” in the Official Journal of the EU C 136 on in the framework of the implementation of the EU Regulation 765/2008 and the EU Decision 768/ In 2008 the CASCO members decided with the majority of one vote to revise ISO/IEC Responsible for the revision is the CASCO Working Group (WG) CEOC is represented directly by 3 delegates, indirectly through national standardisation organisations by further delegates from CEOC members including the co-chair of WG The mirror committee in CEOC is the CI preparing CEOC’s opinion and comments on the drafts (WD2 in the moment)
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd-Hinrich Schaub on Conformity assessment – Standards and CEOC’s involvement 13 The Voice of the Independent Safety Professionals