Modifying a shareable resource: a demo for librarians. This is based on: Open Access and Free Collections in OutLook OnLine: A Demonstration, Open Medicine example Heather Morrison, BC ELN which can be found in SOL*R at f15f1293dc2f/1/? d0e457%26pages.currentPage%3D-1&shownav=true
About this demonstration This demo illustrates how a librarian can take a shareble learning object and customize for local use. Because Open Medicine is fully open access (uses the Creative Commons / Attribution License), permission to use their work is not an issue! Viewing the whole demonstration should take about 3 minutes.
INSERT SLIDE(S) HERE The demo starts with OutLook OnLine. Before your demo goes into OutLook OnLine, you might want to add YOUR OWN title slide - with your name and your own library logo, and a slide or two illustrating your library’s website, and how patrons can get to OutLook OnLine.
[REPLACE THIS PICTURE, WITH A VIEW OF OUTLOOK ONLINE FROM YOUR LIBRARY. MODIFY TEXT ACCORDINGLY]. OutLook OnLine is a gateway to British Columbia’s public and post-secondary libraries; 92 libraries in all. This is the view of OutLook OnLine from Capilano University.
[REPLACE PICTURE] To search for the journal titled Open Medicine in OutLook, let’s enter “open medicine” in the Search For box, select “Title” as the search option, and check “OutLook OnLine” as the resource to search.
[REPLACE PICTURE] And click “Search”
[REPLACE PICTURE] There is one result, Open Medicine [free electronic resource]. After the title, there is a URL.
[REPLACE PICTURE] Let’s click on the URL…
[REPLACE PICTURE] …and Open Medicine appears in a pop-up window.
[REPLACE PICTURE] Let’s click to open the window,
[NO CHANGES NEEDED] The home page of Open Medicine appears.
[NO CHANGES NEEDED] Let’s scroll down…
[NO CHANGES NEEDED] The Editorial, Open science, open access, and open source software at Open Medicine, looks interesting…lets click where it says html.
[NO CHANGES NEEDED] Now we can read the editorial online!
[NO CHANGES NEEDED] There are more than 5,000 open access and free journals in the BC ELN collection, including more than 3,000 scholarly, peer- reviewed journals from the Directory of Open Access Journals. Descriptions of the collections can be found here: BC ELN Open Access and Free Journals
[REPLACE PICTURE WITH YOU’RE A TO Z LIST?] To browse the full collection, go to the A to Z Open Access and Free Journals list, at:
Questions? Contact: [REPLACE WITH YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION. ADD ATTRIBUTION NOTE - FINE PRINT IS OKAY, e.g.: thanks to Heather Morrison, BC ELN [insert link to the original] Heather Morrison BC Electronic Library Network [WHAT CC LICENSE DO YOU PREFER? This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.