Utility Applications Sabeshan Srinivasan SIE 510 GIS Applications February 3, 2004
Water supply
ESRI DM for water supply networks Comprehensive Customizable Flexible Scalable Universal Extensible Distributed Part of Arc suite
ESRI DM for water supply networks Composed of four basic components FeaturesFeatures EquipmentEquipment LineLine FacilityFacility Uses geodatabases for defining objects and behavior in network
ESRI DM for water supply networks Inheritance model Example
ESRI DM for water supply networks Features are spatial entities that do not participate in the active network Equipment are the features in a water or wastewater system that do not have an associated geometry or position
ESRI DM for water supply networks Facilities are used in transmission and distribution of water and are commonly used to join various water lines together Facilities are used in transmission and distribution of water and are commonly used to join various water lines together The assorted types of pipes used in the transmission and distribution of water are generically termed lines
ESRI DM for water supply networks
Case studies
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Detailed inventory of all assets Database of water facilities Data handled by 15 departments Uses SQL Server as back-end and Visual Basic based application as front-end
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Finance department Standby assessmentsStandby assessments Pressure zone chargesPressure zone charges Reimbursement agreementsReimbursement agreements Location of facility assets and link to customer account information to determine connection feesLocation of facility assets and link to customer account information to determine connection fees
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Operations department Creation of atlas maps, facility locations, asset maintenance and replacement, and assistance with DIGALERT Calls systemCreation of atlas maps, facility locations, asset maintenance and replacement, and assistance with DIGALERT Calls system Customer service department Meter reading route analysisMeter reading route analysis Meter location determinationMeter location determination Identification of illegal connectionsIdentification of illegal connections
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Engineering department Verification of water availability, planning, inspection assistance, and generation of drawings for internal projectsVerification of water availability, planning, inspection assistance, and generation of drawings for internal projects
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
City of Germantown, Tennessee No digital maps and database Drought-affected and frequent water shortages Water purchased from adjacent counties to meet demand Water data on 1:500 scale conventional maps
City of Germantown, Tennessee Uses ArcGIS Water Utilities Data Model Digital orthophotography for planimetric data compilation Minimal customization performed on ArcGIS Water model Database design completed in a short period
City of Germantown, Tennessee Data created as shapefiles Shapefiles incorporated in geodatabase Update of model made easier Demand information obtained from CIS and DTM of the city Elevated storage and larger diameter line needed for meeting peak demand
City of Germantown, Tennessee
Colorado Springs Utilities Provider of water, gas, electricity and waste management services Unification of services proposed Basemaps originally created from orthorectified aerial photographs High-resolution maps needed Imagery processed using ERDAS s/w Maps incorporated in ArcINFO GIS
Colorado Springs Utilities Information generated Detailed mapsDetailed maps AccessibilityAccessibility Maintenance history and schedulesMaintenance history and schedules Future water needsFuture water needs Land-use monitoringLand-use monitoring Obstacles and no-go zonesObstacles and no-go zones
Colorado Springs Utilities Change in irrigated land using infrared photographs incorporated into existing GIS
Colorado Springs Utilities
Electricity supply networks
PDA DM for electricity networks Origin GIS Data Model Industry standard Developed by Power Delivery Associates Origin GIS works in conjunction with ArcGIS 8.3 Based on MultiSpeak interface
PDA DM for electricity networks Robust data model tailored to the needs of electric utilities Sophisticated electrical rules base to ensure bulletproof system modeling Customized graphical user interface to ArcGIS 8.3 for data creation and modification Customized user interface for map plotting
PDA DM for electricity networks Full electrical connectivity from substation to meter Extensive tracing and spatial query capabilities Interface/Integrate with leading software providers Easily publish maps to Internet or other viewers Push-button switching for easy connectivity model changes
PDA DM for electricity networks Object-oriented data model Components of data model Network featuresNetwork features Non-network featuresNon-network features Object classesObject classes Object classes composed of several classes interacting with other components
Network features are components which are active participants in the utility network Non-network features are parts of the system which are not directly involved in the utility network
PDA DM for electricity networks
ESRI DM for electricity networks PDA DM based on ESRI model ESRI model more general and comprehensive Comprises the following components Overhead, surface and underground structuresOverhead, surface and underground structures DevicesDevices Circuit segmentsCircuit segments Customer serviceCustomer service
ESRI DM for electricity networks Structure is the abstract class that contains common characteristics, or attributes, for all electric structures involved in the distribution or transmission of electricity Electric devices help ensure consistent service within the distribution network
ESRI DM for electricity networks Circuit segments contain classes and properties that describe the conductors that transmit and distribute electric current Customer and service objects contain customer information and information about generators of alternate sources of electricity