What happens to rain or snow that falls on the ground? It either evaporates or sinks into the ground What is it called if it sinks into the ground? Groundwater
Permeability A substance is permeable if liquid can flow through it. Name some things that are permeable A substance is impermeable if liquid can't flow through it. Name some things that are impermeable
Pore space and Permeability
Aquifer An underground layer of permeable rock or sediment that contains water. The part of the aquifer that is completely filled with water is the Saturation Zone The top surface of the saturation zone is called the Water Table Above the water table is the Aeration Zone, which contains air and some water
Springs and Wells A Spring is a flow of water from the ground at a place where the surface of the land dips below the water table. Water comes out by itself. A Well is a hole in the ground that reaches down into the saturation zone. A pump must be used to bring water to the surface. An Artesian well is a layer of water trapped between two layers of sloping, impermeable rock. No pump is needed because the weight of the water above pushes the water to the surface.
Hot Springs and Geysers When water comes in contact with heated rocks underground it expands and pushes its way to the surface as a Hot Spring A Geyser begins the same way as a hot spring but the water is forced into small cracks. This increases the pressure and the water shoots out of the ground with great force. Name a famous Geyser Old Faithful