ADHD in Adults Diagnosis and Treatment By Betsy Riley Used with permission
History of the Disorder Mid-1800’s symptoms noticed in children Previous names –Minimal Brain Dysfunction –Hyperkinetic Disorder of Childhood –Hyperactivity DSM-III –ADHD, Residual Type DSM-IV-TR –ADHD
Possible Causes Previous Theories –Brain damage –Learning disabilities –Hyperactivity Current Theories –Neurochemical deficiency –Food and food additives –Hunter traits
Characteristics, Behaviors & Symptoms Inattention Hyperactivity Impulsivity Others
Inattention Social situations Relationships Education Leisure activities Household chores Work
The Inattention Paradox Individuals with ADHD may demonstrate an ability to focus for extremely long periods of time while involved in certain activities. This is referred to as HYPERFOCUSING.
Hyperactivity Manifests differently in adults
Impulsivity Characteristic often associated with most serious consequences. –Social –Financial –Legal –Romantic relationships
Other Characteristics Stress/frustration tolerance Mood swings Quick temper Feelings of insecurity/instability Feelings of worry/anxiety Addictive behaviors Following authority/procedures Highly creative and intelligent
Diagnosis Medication Professionals –knowledge of ADHD –developmental and life history client family member friend school records
Misdiagnosis Anxiety Depression Learning Disabilities Bipolar D/O Caffeine Substance abuse OCD Situational disturbances
Misdiagnosis Pathological gambling Tourette’s D/O Seizures Hearing difficulties Thyroid problems Lead poisoning Sleep apnea Head injury
Treatment Controversial Interventions Multimodal Approach
Controversial Interventions Chiropractic Diet –LCP Solution –Feingold Diet –Others Patterning Biofeedback
Multimodal Approach Education Individual Therapy Marriage Counseling Group Counseling Medication
Education Information about the disorder given to client and spouse/family members –symptoms of ADHD –possible side effects of medication –ADHD resources Insight into reasons for behaviors
Individual Therapy Directive and structured Deal with anxiety, depression and low self- esteem Life skills Cognitive-behavioral techniques –REBT –Task break-down Coaching
Marriage Counseling and Support Groups Communication skills Problem-solving skills Conflict resolution skills Support groups
Medication Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
THE END!!!!!