© Young Scot 2007
Who are Young Scot? National youth information and citizenship charity for Scotland Established for over 25 years and based in Edinburgh Supporting young people aged 11 – 26 Provide information using a range of information and opportunity websites National Entitlement Card – holders can use it to obtain discounts in Scotland and Europe
© Young Scot 2007 Benefits of Volunteering Learn new skills or refresh existing ones Develop your chances of securing employment in a related sector Put theory into practice Build your C.V. and obtain up-to-date and interesting references Develop leadership and team working skills
© Young Scot 2007 Why Europe? Europe covers an area of 3,930,000 square miles 50 countries with a total population of 731,000,000 This equates to a huge amount of varied opportunities and possibilities within a relatively small area Shorter travelling times (smaller carbon footprint) For EU countries there is no need to arrange a Visa
© Young Scot 2007 Ways to volunteer in Europe European Voluntary Service: opportunities for anyone aged to spend a period between 2-12 months volunteering in Europe. Travel, Food and Accommodation are paid for, plus a small monthly living allowance. Possible to organise your own voluntary placement in Europe. Eurodesk: a partnership network with 900 offices in 31 countries.
© Young Scot 2007 Things to remember... There are lots of commercial organisations that charge lots of money to organise voluntary trips and expeditions Ethical volunteering Information websites:
© Young Scot 2007 Young Scot InfoLine - Volunteering
© Young Scot 2007