Framework Agreement The New Pay & Grade Structure Briefings for Staff June 2006
Background Partnership approach Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value University-wide job evaluation Our aims were –to address low pay and equal value issues; –to develop a grade structure that rewarded staff; –to develop a grade structure that aided recruitment and retention issues.
Our Proposed Structure Proposals are currently with trade unions AMICUS are ready to ballot with a recommendation to accept the proposals UNISON/AUT under consideration by the National Officers – expect to recommend structure soon. TGWU are considering the proposals.
Key Features 9 grades linked to a 54 point pay spine. The University has extended the national spine by 3 points. The University will not use the first point on the national spine Common incremental date of 1 August from 2007 A single grade for lecturing staff which will be the new Grade 7
What does it look like?
How does it map to current grades? Mapping individuals to the new structure is dependent on the outcome of the University-wide job evaluation process Broadly the main grades currently used in the University map to the new structure as follows-
Mapping Current Grades
Memorandum of Understanding No Detriment –Assimilation criteria have been developed in partnership with the trade unions to address the issues around detriment –Annual progression Harmonised conditions for all support staff up to grade 5 Academic Related staff grade 5 and above
Harmonisation With effect from 1 August 2005 –Support staff hours harmonised at 36.5 With effect from 1 August 2006 –Harmonised terms and conditions of employment for all support staff including - Sickness Benefits Probation Notice Periods Monthly Pay
What Happens Next? Trade Unions will ballot their members On acceptance by the Trade Unions –staff will be assimilated to their new grade and salary point –Letters will be prepared & issued to staff –Expect to pay new salaries in August 2006 Individuals will have the right to appeal their grading An appeals procedure has been agreed with the Trade Unions
Any Questions?