Statement of user requirements for data products from the database Lill Tove Norvang Nilsen and Berit Kjeldstad Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Objectives and input to WP1: determine data product requirements Evaluate needs of end-users –Internal (I.E.U) and external (E.E.U) Data products from the database Statement of user requirements –(search tools, data and data products) Report to be used by BAS (software tool options and for UV climatology analysis.
150 external users contacted Responsible contact person(s): Describe your main area of work or research: Do you currently use estimates or measurements of surface UV levels? Would you like to use estimates or measurements of UV levels? Would you be interested in providing feedback about your needs for UV data or estimates to the project? Comments: 65 responded (45%)
Who has been contacted All groups suggested by internal users. References in review papers about UV effects Announcement in Newsletter of the European Photobiology Society. Detailed list available (confidential)
50 ”comprehensive” answers (30%) : 1. Any specific requirements regarding data and data format? What data do you need? Spectral, broadband, ancillary data? Sampling frequency and wavelength-range? 2. Any specific data products you need? Daily, monthly, yearly UV dose or any weighted numbers - what weighting-function? Interpolated data - which numbers? Max./min. intensities? UV Index?
3. Are there any specific search-possibilities you need? (selection of wavelengths, zenith-angles, dates, instrument-types, stations etc.) 4. Any other requirements for information on instruments, stations or other?
Field of interest and country
E.E.U.: Data products requested
E.E.U.: Daily UV dose
E.E.U.: Weighting functions
E.E.U.: Monthly UV dose
E.E.U.: Yearly UV dose
Other data products (<15%) Maps of Europe (5 answers) –Isodose maps (4) –Isodose maps for cloud free conditions (1) –Horizontal UVR maps (1) –UV index (2) Available methods to calculate (7 answers) –Ozone depletion (3), ozone values (1), cloud level (1),
E.E.U.: Search tools
E.E.U.: Data reqiurements
E.E.U. Spectral data
E.E.U.: Broadband data
Summary E.E.U:Data products All highly welcome a database Daily UV dose (58%), –Total UV (83%), UVB and UVA (42%) Availability of different weighting spectra (56%) –CIE spectrum (68%) –Generalized plant action spectrum (39%) –DNA-damage sepctrum (32%) Interpolated data between EDUCE stations (42%) Few requested ozone data and UV forecast(<10%)
Summary E.E.U:Search tools Stations (36%), wavelength range (30%), dates and instruments (22%). (All criteria suggested in the questionnaire.) However, 34% request stations with visible data (not included in questionnaire form)
Summary E.E.U: Data Spectral data (94%), total UV (99%), UVB (36%), UVA (19%), visible data (30%) Broad band data (63%) Interpolated (or estimated) data (between stations) (42%) Measurements outside EDUCE stations (22%)
Special comments by external users: Possibilities to calibrate their own instruments. Some ask for the calibration procedures used in the project. Some has asked to submit their own data. Few users have asked to get in contact with groups within EDUCE. Information about the database has been disseminated to many potential new users.
Internal end users (I.E.U.) Following question to all participants: Can you describe what you need to perform your EDUCE tasks, and to specify clearly tools and data products that you need or that would simplify your work. More specific:
Data products, Search tools, Data requirements
I.E.U. Dataproducts Daily UV (5) Daily CIE weighted (4)(or any weighting function(1)) Daily maximum UV irradiance (2) Local noon CIE doses * (1) UV index throughout the day (1) Zenith sky radiance * (1) – * (requested by 2 groups)
I.E.U. Search tool requirements
I.E.U. Data requirements
Summary I.E.U comments Very specific needs Few data products Detailed list of data requirements Anxillary data Few supplementary comments
Comparison external and internal end users External users focused on data products and less on data requirements, compared with internal users Same type of search tools requested by the two user groups.
What can be done to fulfil external user’s requirements Total UV is requested. What about stations with single brewers. Visible light requested. Few stations with anxillary visible data. Extrapolated UV doses. Will the maps be sufficient ?